The Comprehensive Teaching Technique at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang

THE USE... R. Arief Nugroho Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository

D. Questionnaire

1. Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT

In line with the research purpose, the data which support the research objectives will be discussed in this section. The researcher recapitulated the responses and perceptions from the students of EC 4 ELTI – Gramedia Semarang who experienced the Comprehensive Teaching Technique experimental group. This research is aimed to see the effectiveness of Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT and therefore researcher asked few things which represent the elements of Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT. Considering the fact that respondents are children; the researcher was in attendance during the questionnaire response process. The researcher assisted and sometimes simplified the objectives in order to make students understand the given questionnaire.

a. The Comprehensive Teaching Technique at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang

The respondents’ perceptions about the Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang will be discussed in this section. Question number A2, A3, A4, A5, and A6 will represent the aspects of the Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang from the respondents. The analysis: THE USE... R. Arief Nugroho Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository The aim from question A1 “Apakah di ELTI – Gramedia Semarang, pelajaran grammar diberikan secara menyenangkan, menarik, dan jelas?” is to know whether students have experienced a fun and catchy English learning process at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang using Comprehensive Teaching Technique. The statistical data can be seen through the table below: Table 4.18 The Learning Process at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang Categories Response Percentage a. Menyenangkan, menarik, dan jelas untuk diterima 12 80 b. Biasa saja 3 20 Total 15 100 Source: Primary data questionnaire number A1, 2008 Table 4.12 suggests that most of the students have experienced a fun and catchy English learning process at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang using Comprehensive Teaching Technique. The ai m of question A2 “Apakah di ELTI – Gramedia Semarang, pelajaran grammar diberikan secara tuntas, sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing pesertamurid, meskipun dari berbagai tingkatan?” is to measure the students’ satisfaction in learning grammar at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang. The statistical data can be seen through the table below: THE USE... R. Arief Nugroho Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Table 4.19 The Respondents’ Satisfaction of Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT Categories Response Percentage a. Ya 15 100 b. Tidak Total 15 100 Source: Primary data questionnaire number A2, 2008 Based on table 4.13, it can be concluded that the respondents were satisfied in learning grammar using the Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT. The aim of question A3 “Bagaimana pendapat anda mengenai tingkat kesulita n dalam mempelajari grammar? ” is to measure the students’ understanding level. The statistical data can be seen through the table below: Table 4.20 The Respondents’ Perception about Grammar’s Difficulty Level Categories Response Percentage a. Mudah dipahami 11 70 b. Sulit 4 30 Total 15 100 Source: Primary data questionnaire number A3, 2008 Table 4.14 indicates that most respondents answered “a” and the researcher assumes that children comprehended grammar through Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT. THE USE... R. Arief Nugroho Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository The aim of question A4 “Apakah pelajaran bahasa Inggris di ELTI – Gramedia Semarang disampaikan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang menarik, seperti menggunakan games, perangkat audio, serta diskusi kelompok?” is to measure the students’ awareness of the Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT. The statistical data can be seen through the table below: Table 4.21 The Respondents’ Awareness of Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT Categories Response Percentage a. Ya 13 97 b. Tidak 2 3 Total 15 100 Source: Primary data questionnaire number A4, 2008 Children were aware by Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT usage in the classroom, and it was a different teaching method they experienced. This is shown by the result from table 4.15 that most respondents a nswered “a”. The aim of question A5 “Apakah pelajaran bahasa Inggris di ELTI – Gramedia Semarang yang diberikan secara bervariasi dengan menggunakan berbagai metode, misalnya berbagai games, perangkat audio, diskusi kelompok, dan metode lainnya, menjadikan anda terampil dan cepat dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggris?” is to identify the Comprehensive Teaching Technique’s effect to students’ grammar absorbent. The statistical data can be seen through the table below: THE USE... R. Arief Nugroho Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Table 4.22 The Comprehensive Teaching Techniq ue’s Effect to Students’ Grammar Absorbent Categories Response Percentage a. Ya 13 97 b. Tidak 2 3 Total 15 100 Source: Primary data questionnaire number A5, 2008 The researcher assumed that children were assisted by the Comprehensive Teaching Technique CTT in absorbing grammar. An illustration of this is comes from table 4.16. The aim of question A6 “Dengan menggunakan berbagai metode tersebut, apakah anda menyukai penyajian pelajaran bahasa Inggris di ELTI – Gramedia Semarang?” is to measure the students’ satisfaction in learning grammar at ELTI – Gramedia Semarang. The statistical data can be seen through the table below: Table 4.23 Students’ Satisfaction to the Learning Process Categories Response Percentage a. Ya 15 100 b. Tidak Total 15 100 Source: Primary data questionnaire number A6, 2008 THE USE... R. Arief Nugroho Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Table 4.17 shows that all respondents were satisfied with the learning process using Comprehensive Teaching Technique at ELTI-Gramedia Semarang. Recapitulation: Table 4.24 Recapitulation Number Major Respondents’ response Minor Respondents’ response Total sum percentage Sum percentage sum percentage A1 12 80 3 20 15 100 A2 15 100 15 100 A3 11 70 4 30 15 100 A4 13 97 2 3 15 100 A5 13 97 2 3 15 100 A6 15 100 15 100 Source: Primary questionnaire data, 2008

b. The needs to study in an English course to enhance students’ English skill