The Activities During The Job Training in SD ISLAM AL-HILAL

commit to user 14 Sunday morning. Rebana is the extracurricular that learns how to use musical instrument of rebana well. This activity is done every Saturday. Marching Band is the extracurricular that it is interested by students. The training is done every Saturday, and they show it every event likes national Independence Day, etc. Every extracurricular has teachers who have skill in every sector.

B. The Activities During The Job Training in SD ISLAM AL-HILAL

Kartasura B.1. Class Observation Class observation at SD ISLAM AL-HILAL Kartasura was done by the writer at the time of job training. English lesson is taught from first grade until sixth grade. The writer observed the situation and condition at the institution in order to obtain adequate data related to English teaching process. The writer had done the job training from February 1 st until March 31 th 2011. The writer focused on in fourth grade. The time allocation of English subject for the fourth grade is one hour fifteen minutes a week on Thursday. There are 28 students in the fourth grade. The condition of classrooms the fourth grade is good enough. It has door, windows, pictures, whiteboard, tables, chairs, bookcase, etc. The students of fourth grade are very enthusiastic about the lesson that their teacher has taught. Although they are very enthusiastic and they have strong motivation, sometimes they are uncooperative and hard to control. The student’s attitude is good enough. It can be seen from the student’s response: hearing the bell ringing, the students entered into their classroom. They always pray before commit to user 15 beginning the lesson. After the lesson is over, they leave the class, and then they shake hand with their teacher. In the teaching learning process, the teacher uses grammar translation method. First, she reads the material. Second, she translates into Indonesian language. She asks the students to repeat the text after the teacher. After the teacher finishes explaining the material, the students do the exercises. B.2. Preparing the material Based on the present curriculum, English teaching and learning for the fourth grade is taught as compulsory subject. The curriculum used is KTSP Kompetensi Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. The writer used a book published by Yudhistira entiltled “Speed Up English 4”. This book contains explanation of the materials and tasks that have to be done by students. As explained in Chapter II, the teacher should know what is going to do with the students. In this case, the teacher should prepare the material. Besides, the teacher has also to pay attention the material dealing the syllabus. The materials are arranged systematically in Lesson Plan. The lesson plan contains the topic, level of students, length of time, language skills, and procedures. The writer used Grammar translation method in the teaching and learning process. The writer applied 50 English and 50 Indonesian language. In the presentation, writer explained materials by using English language, and then she translated material into Indonesian language. In the communicative expressions such us: greeting, command, and order, the writer used more English than Indonesian language. commit to user 16

C. Teaching and Learning Process at the 4