Teaching Learning Process Young Learners

commit to user 6 forms, such as change in knowledge, understanding, behaviors and attitude, skill, ability and the other aspect of change that is studied by the learner 1996:5. From the opinions above, it can be concluded learning process has big role in developing young learner’s IQ, skill, characteristics, ability to do something, change in behaviour and so on.

C. Teaching Learning Process

“A teaching learning process is a clinical setting where the teacher performs the skill to achieve objectives, and seeks to make genuine differences in the student’s life” Barlow, 1985:31. In the definition above, the process is organized by teacher, deals the particular goal to the students, and students have experiences from teaching. The teacher should know the preparation, which has to do in teaching learning process. He or she should use techniques, which will make him confident to explain the material to the students in front of the class. After the teacher explains in front of the class, the teacher evaluates it to improve the potential of teaching in the next meeting.

D. Young Learners

Young learners are “children from the first year of formal schooling fivesix years old to eleventwelve years old” Philip, 1993:5. Young learners or primary level students are those who begin learning at the kindergarten or the elementary school. According to Scott, there are some characteristics of young learner that must be learnt by the teacher: commit to user 7 1. They understand the situation more quickly than they understand the language used. 2. Their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. 3. They have a very short attention and concentration span. 4. They are often very happy playing and working alone. 5. They are enthusiastis and positive about learning. Scott, 1990:2 Wendy A. Scott explained, “there is a big different between what children five years can do and what children of ten can do, some people develop early some later, some childrens develop gradually other it leaps and bounds” Scott, 1990:2. From the statement above, it can be described that young learners are children who are five to twelve years old and they have different characteristics from adult. In these ages young learners begin to know the new environment and they begin to learn every thing that they want it. Young learners are students of elementary school.

E. Teaching English to Children