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In this chapter, the writer applies some definitions that support and explain description about contents this research.

A. Teaching

Teaching is an activity of transferring knowledge and information between the teacher and students. According to Douglas in his book Principle of Language Learning and Teaching , “Teaching means to give someone, giving instruction, guiding to the study of some thus, providing with knowledge, causing to know or to understand” Brown, 1994:7. In the Oxford Dictionary, teaching is to give instruction to somebody or give somebody knowledge 1991:425. According to Jeremy Harmer, teaching as “the activities done by someone to give knowledge or to help someone else to understand something”. Harmer continues that to be a good teacher is not easy. There are some issues that the teacher should point out. 1. make an interesting lesson 2. love his or her job 3. have his or her own personality 4. have a lot of knowledge 5. be an entertainer in a positive sense, not in a negative sense. Harmer, 1998:1-2 commit to user 5 From the opinion above, we can conclude that teaching is a process of guiding someone to learn something. The teacher has more interesting and skill learning process. Young learners need something different in their learning English. This can be done by a teacher teaching with fun activities in their learning, both a teacher and students are responsible to success of learning process.

B. Learning

Learning means a process of getting information and knowledge as a result of teaching. According to B. Klein, “learning is an experiential process resulting in a relatively permanent change in behavior that cannot be explained by temporary states , maturation, or innate response tendencies” B.Klein, 1991:2. In the book Principle of Language Learning, Douglas Brown explained that there are some understandings about learning. 1. Learning is acquisition or getting 2. Learning is retention of information or skill 3. Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive organization 4. Learning involves active, conscious focus, and acting upon events outside or inside the organism 5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting 6. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice 7. Learning is a change in behaviour Brown Douglas, 2001:7 Nana Sudjana states that learning is a process signed with the presence of someone changes. The changes as a result of the study can be shown in various commit to user 6 forms, such as change in knowledge, understanding, behaviors and attitude, skill, ability and the other aspect of change that is studied by the learner 1996:5. From the opinions above, it can be concluded learning process has big role in developing young learner’s IQ, skill, characteristics, ability to do something, change in behaviour and so on.

C. Teaching Learning Process