Let’s Sum Up Vocabulary List

42 - You are Cordially Invited In pairs, match the pictures to the names of the events. Answer the questions below based on your knowledge and discuss them with your friends. 1. Do you know the events which are represented by the pictures in Task 1? Describe them briefly. 2. Have you ever read an invitation for one of those events? 3. What information can you find from the invitation?

A. Get Ready

  Task 1

a. bakery fair b. open house

c. grand opening

 Task 2 picture 3.4 picture 3.3 picture 3.5 You are Cordially Invited - 43 Read the text below and tick the things that you already know and things that you want to know further in the table. You can write more items if they are not listed. No. Things that I want to know further 1. The content of the text  2. The purpose of the author writing the text  3. The structure of the text  4. … 5. … 6. … 7. … 8. … No. Things that I already know 1. The content of the text  2. The purpose of the author writing the text  3. The structure of the text  4. … 5. … 6. … 7. … 8. …  Task 3 B. Let’s Read  picture 3.6 16 OBS E RVIN G 44 - You are Cordially Invited Based on the things you want to know further in Task 4, formulate relevant questions. Some have been done as the examples. Try to answer those questions based on your knowledge. Read again the invitation in Task 3. Try to find: 1. What occasion is the invitation about? 2. Who is the host of the event? According to the invitation in Task 3, match the words and phrase below to the descriptions. You can open your dictionary if you need. 1. festivity __ a. a food that is unusually good in a particular place 2. downtown __ b. a wine which is often drunk to celebrate something 3. champagne __ c. a party in which people celebrate a special occasion 4. specialty __ d. a part of a public ceremony to declare a building open for business 5. ribbon cutting __ e. the central part of a city  Task 4  Task 5 1. What is the text about? .. ……….…………………………………. 2. What is the purpose of the author ……….…………………………………… writing the text? ……….…………………………………… 3. ……….………………………….… ..…….……………………………………. 4. ……….…………………………… ..…….……………………………………. 5. ……….…………………………… ..…….……………………………………. 6. ……….…………………………… ..…….……………………………………. 7. ……….…………………………… ..…….……………………………………. 8. ……….…………………………… ..…….……………………………………. Questions Answers  Task 6 By the way … The scissors used in a ribbon cutting ceremony are frequently preserved by the institution as a keepsake. en.wikipedia.org Q UE STI ON ING C OLL E C TI N G - A N A L YZIN G - C OMMUNICA TI N G picture 3.7