Homework - Evaluation - Get Ready - Main Activities

correct words in the brackets. - Students answer some questions based on the text in the previous task. - Students read again the text entitled “How Sugar Acts in Gelatinization” and then choose one sentence that best summarizes the text. After that, they discuss their answer with their friends. - Students study the explanation about the cause-effect relationship and discuss it with their friends and teacher. - Students read a text and fill in the table about two related statements which are causes and effects. Then, they share their answers with their friends. - Students complete the table with the correct phrases chosen from the provided list according to the text in the previous task and then discuss their answers with their friends.

C. Homework -

Students find an explanation text from the internet or other sources. Then, they write the summary of the steps of how something occurs and find the meanings of the difficult words. -

D. Evaluation -

Students read the texts and choose the best answers for the questions that follow in the evaluation tasks. COURSE GRID ENGLISH READING LEARNING MATERIALS UNIT 2 School : SMK Expertise Program : Patisserie Grade : XI Basic Competence : 3.4 membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 4.4 teks eksposisi analitis 4.4.1 menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis terkait isu aktual Unit Topic Unit Title Learning Objectives Input Text Language Focus Learning Activities Vocabulary Grammar Unit: UNIT 2 Topic: Baking Products Unit Title: One Side of Students are expected to be able to - identify the social function of an analytical exposition text - identify the - Adapted and simplified written analytical exposition texts - Explanation of connectives - Explanation of the cause-effect - Words related to the issues about baking products - Linking arguments connectiv es

A. Get Ready -

In pairs, students study a poster and answer some questions related to the poster based on their knowledge. - In pairs, students read some sentences and decide whether they are arguments for or against the statement in the poster in the previous task.

B. Main Activities

an Issue generic structure of an analytical exposition text - identify the language features of an analytical exposition text - comprehend analytical exposition texts relationship Observing - Students read an analytical exposition text and then tick and write the things that they already know and want to know further related to the text. Questioning - Students formulate questions based on the items they want to know further in the previous task and propose temporary answers based on their knowledge. Collecting, Analyzing, Communicating - Students read again the text in the observation step and choose the information they can find from the text. - Students study the explanation about analytical exposition texts and discuss it with their friends and teacher. - In pairs, students read and then analyze the structure of the text in the observation step according to the previous explanation. - Students arrange the parts of the text entitled “Luxury Eclairs: Ar e They the Latest Dessert Trend?” and write the name of each part of the text. - Students read again the text in the previous task and find nine words from the text that represent the meanings which are listed. - Students read again the text entitled “Luxury Eclairs: Are They the Latest Dessert Trend?” and choose the correct phrases to complete some statements. - Students study the explanation about connectives and discuss it with their friends and teacher. - Students have an exercise related to the previous explanation in which they have to read a text entitled “Macarons: Are They So Special?” and then choose fill in the blanks with the correct sentences chosen from the provided box. - Students answer some questions based on the text in the previous task and discuss their answers with their friends. - Students read the text entitled “Mini Dessert: A Smart Trend” and then fill in the blanks with the appropriate words they can find in the text. - Students read again the text that they have read in the previous task and identify two things relate to the text. Then, they share their findings with their friends.

C. Homework -