Data and Source of the Data Research Instruments Data Collecting Techniques

Although this research was only done by one researcher, this research was always consulted to two consultants in order to confirm the data. The researcher consulted her findings and data analysis to Titik Sudartinah, M.A., the first consultant, and Rachmat Nurcahyo, M.A., the second consultant. This research was also triangulated b y the researcher‟s friends, Ferri Dwi Agustina and Kristiana Tri Wahyuni. Both of them are students of English Language and Literature study program of Yogyakarta State University majoring in linguistics.


As mentioned in chapter I, the goals of this research are to describe the kinds of responses given by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin movie, to her interlocutors and to explain the features of autistic person represented by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin movie. This chapter consists of two parts: findings and discussion. The first part presents the findings that the researcher got from the analysis on the movie script of Temple Grandin. The findings provide two tables that contain numbers as well as percentage of the analysed phenomenon. The second part presents the discussion which explains the findings more detailed by representing some examples.

A. Findings

Autism is one of disorders that have problems in the brain development. An individual with autism has problems in communication. Through the videos of the movie Temple Grandin, the researcher could find the data to gain the two objectives of this research; to describe the kinds of responses given by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin movie, to her interlocutors and to explain the features of autistic person represented by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin movie. The data found are represented in the findings section. The findings section consist of two parts. Each part presents the objectives of this research. The first part presents the findings of the kinds of responses given by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin movie, to her interlocutors. The second part presents the features of autistic person represented by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin.

1. Kinds of Responses Given by Temple Grandin, the Autistic Character in

Temple Grandin Movie, to Her Interlocutors An individual with autism can have problems in giving responses to others in communication. According to Rothwell 2000:37, kinds of responses can be categorised as cognitively irrelevant responses CI, cognitively relevant responses CR and cognitively disruptive and socially inappropriate responses CDI. For the third categorisation, Schank in Carrol, 2008:231 divides the cognitively disruptive and socially inappropriate responses into three kinds. They are odd responses OD, more relevant but not too polite responses RNP, and marginally relevant responses MR. To provide the information, the researcher presents the findings of the data in Table 3 to show the detailed occurrence of particular kinds of responses given by Temple Grandin, the autistic character in Temple Grandin movie.