Background of the Study

1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five parts. The first part is background of the study. The background of the study discusses the reasons for conducting this study. The second part is problem formulation. The problem formulation contains two questions to discuss in the following chapters. The third part is objectives of the study. This part explains the goals of the study. The fourth part is benefits of the study. This section presents the benefits of this study for some groups of people. The last part is definition of terms. This section provides the definition of some important terms related to this study.

1.1 Background of the Study

Reading literary work gives pleasure and experience for readers. However, reading literary work more than once helps readers to understand the author’s purposes. Understanding the author’s purposes means that readers are successful in reading the literary work. Furthermore, conducting a study of a literary work is needed to get deeper understanding. There are two common questions which always emerge related to a study of literary work. The first one is “why do we have to analyze everything?”, while “why cant we just enjoy the books we read in English?” is considered as second common question. According to Lund 1, there are three answers of those questions. First, talking about an experience, actual or vicarious, is one way of increasing enjoyment. Second, sometimes talking about an experience involves recreating it in words, but it can also involve the search for meaning, in short, analysis. Third, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 analysis increases awareness and understanding. It is part of the maturation process. This study, therefore, meant to increase enjoyment, analysis, and maturation process by conducting a study of a novel. The subject chosen of this study is Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals. This novel deals with payback of Maggie’s organization to take down a powerful evil attorney, namely Baron Bell. Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals covers three points above. The first point is increasing enjoyment. The story line of this novel is told by the author in daily language and is a portrayal of human life. This condition creates an interesting atmosphere. The second point is analysis. In order to get better understanding of Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals, conducting an analysis is necessary. Moreover, the intrinsic elements of the novel such as organization, work groups, and method stimulate the writer to conduct this study. The third point is maturation process. The benefit of conduct analysis increases awareness and understanding. Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals is a portrayal of human life. The main story of this novel is the efforts of Maggie’s organization to take down a higher power enemy, namely Baron Bell. Baron Bell will be punished by Maggie’s organization because of his crime. Baron Bell does some babies brokering. Baron Bell is known as an influential attorney in Washington DC. Baron Bell also has the access to White House and has good relationship with several former presidents of United States of America. The story starts when Baron Bell arranges an adoption of a child for the Dawsons, Thomas and Rachel Dawson. In a contract agreement, the Dawsons agree PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 to pay one hundred thousand dollar. Baron Bell arranges a sperm donation to a surrogate mother, Donna Davis. Donna Davis gives birth to twin babies. The delivering of the second baby is not expected because the second baby never shown up on the ultrasound check. Several times later, the Dawsons get a letter from Donna Davis’ lawyer, Adel Newsom. The letter says that Donna Davis demands for more money for the second child. And if the Dawsons cannot afford the money, she will take the twins. The Dawsons cannot afford her claim, therefore Donna Davis gets the twins back. In a contract agreement is written that Baron Bell only takes part until the surrogate mother gives birth to a baby. Any future legal problems would have to be dealt by another lawyer. Thus, Baron Bell refuses to help the Dawsons when Donna Davis demands for more money for the second child. Hopeless with the situation, Rachel Dawson comes to Quinn Law Firm. The firm manager points Elizabeth Fox to defend the Dawsons. Elizabeth Fox is also the member of Maggie’s organization. Since Elizabeth Fox realizes that she cannot win over Baron Bell on her own, Elizabeth Fox asks Maggie for help. Maggie leads the organization to take down Barron Bell. Maggie organizes the members of the group to work effectively and efficiently. Basically, the members of the organization already divide into some divisions which make easier for Maggie to manage. The novel is interesting to discuss because the work of Maggie’s organization shows the effectiveness and efficiency toward a goal. The togetherness of each group, as the part of organization, builds a solid organization. Moreover, the harmony among PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 the group members stimulates the members to work better to support the organization goal. In human life, people are using the benefits of organization to achieve a goal. Based on the benefit of organization, human cannot be separate with organization. Hodge and Anthony 6 state that we truly live in a world of organizations today. Literally, every aspect of our daily activities is affected in some way by organizations. We work in organization, play in organizations, and live in one of the oldest form of organization, the family. Organizations can be thought of as social systems of cooperation that are design to enhance individual effort aimed at goal accomplishment. In order to continue to refine and improve organizational activity, management must develop an explanation of how organizations form, function, and survive. An organization is made up of several parts, the human element, the physical element, the work element, and the coordination element. Hodge and Anthony, 7 According to Daft, organizations can be differentiate into two, for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations. The basic distinction of organizations is the goals of those two types of organizations. For-profit business is organization that set their goals to earn money or profit for company. The activities and the main purpose is earning money. While non-profit organization directs their efforts toward generating some kind of social impact. Furthermore, Daft states that both for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations are important in human life. Organizations become central to people lives and today they exert a tremendous influence in our society. Daft, 11-12 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5 This thesis deals with the importance of an organization and a strategic management toward a goal. Working as a group will enhance the opportunity to accomplish the goal. Yet for more complicated goal and more people involved, building an organization is necessary. A strategic management is needed to build an effective and efficient organization. Therefore, choosing this novel as a study on organization will give better point of view about organization and strategic management.

1.2 Problem Formulation