Method of the Study

26 take the twins. The Dawsons cannot afford her claim, therefore Donna Davis gets the twins back. Baron Bell refuses to defend the Dawsons. Rachel Dawson comes to Quinn Law Firm afterward. The manager addresses Elizabeth Fox to defend the Dawsons. Elizabeth Fox is also the member of Maggie’s organization. By virtue of Baron Bell’s record, Elizabeth Fox realizes that she cannot win over Baron Bell on her own. Elizabeth Fox, therefore, asks Maggie for help. In this novel, Maggie plays her role as a leader, a manager, and a strategist of her organization. Maggie leads the organization to take down Baron Bell. Maggie uses all the resources of the organization to support the organizational goal. The work groups within Maggie’s organization consist of professional members so that it makes Maggie’s work easier.

3.2 Approach of the Study

This study analyses Maggie’s organization. Since this study deals with organization, the writer uses socio-cultural historical approach, the last critical approach from Rohrberger and Woods. This approach focuses on the social, culture, and history background of literary works. It implies that the social, culture, and history background of literary works will influence the making of the literary works. This approach is used to find out Baron Bell social background, the elements of Maggie’s organization and the effort of Maggie’s organization to take down Baron Bell.

3.3 Method of the Study

In this study, the writer used library study method because this study focused on analyzing a novel which did not need field research. Using library study PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 method means the writer had to read many books related to the study. The main source was Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals. While book related to theory of organization, theory of work groups, theory of leadership, theory of strategic management, and theory of socio-cultural historical approach were considered as secondary sources. The following paragraphs discuss about the steps taken by the writer in conducting this study. The first step was reading the novel, Deadly Deals, for several times to maximize the comprehension of the story. After reading for several times, the interesting elements such as Maggie’s organization and the work group within Maggie’s organization to take down an evil lawyer namely Baron Bell attracted the writer to conduct this study. The second step was collecting information about the author, the novel, the conflicts, and the connection with human life. The information and references were taken from books and internet. The third step was generating problem formulation to be analyzed. The writer had several considerations before decided the problem formulation. In this step, the writer used many books and references related to the topics chosen. The fourth step was analyzing the novel. The writer finally chose theory of organization, theory of work groups, theory of leadership, theory of strategic management, and theory of socio-cultural historical approach to answer the problem formulation. Finally, after the two questions in problem formulation in chapter one had been answered, the writer generated conclusions from what the writer already PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 discussed in the analysis. The writer also provided suggestions for students of English Education Study Program and future researcher. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS This Chapter consists of two parts. The first part gives complete description about Maggie’s organization. The second part discusses about Maggie as the leader of her organization and Maggie’s efforts to lead her organization to take down the higher power enemy, namely Baron Bell

4.1 Description of Maggie’s Organization