Maggie’s Efforts as the Leader of the Organization to Take Down

37 The quartet successfully takes the record of brokering babies done by Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. The self manage work team accomplishes the mission ordered by Maggie. In short, the gathering of people who is led by Maggie can be concluded as an organization. This gathering of people fulfills the entire requirement to be an organization that is social entity, goal-directed, structure and management, and linked to external environment. Based on the analysis, Maggie’s organization is categorized as a non-profit organization. It can be seen from the organization’s purpose that is direct the effort toward generating some kinds of social impact. In this case, Maggie’s organization helps powerless adoptive parents who are cheated by Baron Bell. The organization also tries to return the babies to their real parents. In order to accomplish the organizational goal, Maggie, as the leader of her organization, divides the members into four work groups. The work groups are a command group, a task force, a team, and a self manage work team. The purpose of this job ceiling is to gain effectiveness and efficiency. As sub-groups of an organization, they have responsibility to accomplish their goals which support the organizational goal.

4.2 Maggie’s Efforts as the Leader of the Organization to Take Down

Baron Bell The unique characteristics and needs of non-profit organization create unique challenges for the organizational leader. According to Daft 11-12, the main problem of non-profit organization is financial resources. Thus, to avoid PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 financial limitation, the leader of non-profit organization must lead the subordinates to work effectively and efficient. Based on the previous analysis, Maggie’s organization is categorized as non-profit organization. It can be seen that Maggie directs the organizational goal toward social impact. Maggie has to be creative to overcome the unique challenges faced by her organization. The subsequent analysis will discuss about Maggie as the leader of her organization and Maggie’s efforts to accomplish the organizational goal. 4.2.1 Maggie as the Leader of the Organization In the novel Deadly Deals, Maggie plays her role as the leader of her organization. Maggie has an important role to create working environment in her organization. The success of an organization depends on the efficiency of the leader. According to Kondalkar 224-226, the attributes of a leader are positive approach, ability to solve problems, ability to motivate employee, and ability to control the situation. The attributes of a leader can be seen in Maggie’s act throughout the novel. Maggie has all the positive approach of a leader. Furthermore, Kondalkar states that the success of an organization is depending on the leader. There are four ingredients of leadership which determine the success of an organization. The ingredients of the leader are explained bellow. The Ability to Use Power Effectively A leader gains power from his appointment. By this legitimate power, a leader is able to gain obedience from subordinates. As a leader, Maggie has the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 legitimate power to give order to the work groups within the organization. It can be seen from the following conversation between Maggie and Abner Tookus. Call someone whos fat and can afford to lose a pound or two. I dont have any to spare. Im working. That means I have no time to do anything for you. You better find the time, and this one is for free. F-r-e-e That job you have, the one that is paying you in eight figures? Thats all compliments of me. I can take it away just like...that, Maggie said, snapping her fingers. Michaels, 25 Maggie uses her legitimate power by forcing Abner Tookus to get any information about Baron Bell. Firstly, Abner Tookus refuses Maggie’s order because she has no time for her new order. Finally Maggie uses her power as a leader to force Abbner Tookus to accomplish the assignmrnt and Abner Tookus has no chance to refuse the order. The Ability to Comprehend An ability to comprehend is the leader’s ability to understand his subordinates such as understanding their needs, expectations and what a leader should do to satisfy them. Moreover, ability to comprehend is also ability to explore the situation. We got everything there was to get. We didnt take the time to go through it. We were too busy trying to stay alive on the damn highway. We all deserve a monster bonus for putting our lives at risk. How much? … Harry looked pointedly at the two empty pizza boxes and shook his head. Im going home. Me too, Jack said as he pulled on his boots. You want me to stay, Maggie? Ted asked, hoping she would say no. No. Go home and take care of…” Michaels, 136-138 The quartet finishes their job to crack Adel Newsom’s house. They deliver the record of babies brokering to Maggie. As a leader, Maggie promises some PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 bonuses for their good job which will give benefit to the organizational goal. Maggie realizes that the quartet’s members are very tired after accomplishing their task. Thus, Maggie allows the quartet to go home and take a rest after their hard assignment. Maggie gives the quartet break for a while before giving a new task to them. The Ability to Inspire A leader has to acknowledge when his subordinates face hopeless situation. A leader must identify each individual’s capabilities and skill to inspire them. Maggie, as a leader, gives inspiration so that the subordinates maintain their confident, motivation, and enthusiasm to accomplish their goals. Maggie has the ability to motivate her subordinates. As a leader, Maggie has responsibility for accomplishing the organizational goal. The organizational goal is supported by success of groups within the organization. By the ability to inspire the subordinates, the groups within Maggie’s organization have the confidence, motivation, and enthusiasm to accomplish the groups’ goal. It sucks. I wish I were on some island somewhere, on a beach with white sand, warm breezes, and a drink in my hand, Jack said. Harry agreed. Its not going to happen. This is the Christmas season, so get in the spirit. Maggie looked down at her watch. Lizzie should be in Baron Bells office right about now. 80 In this situation, Jack and Harry, the members of Maggie’s organization, lose their motivation and enthusiasm because the weather is terrible. The snow in the district restricts people to do their job. People prefer stay at home to finish their duty. Maggie plays her role. Maggie tells Jack and Harry that they should have the spirit of Christmas. Maggie believes that they will be blessed and be able PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 to finish their assignment. Maggie’s words motivate Jack and Harry. Their confidence, motivation, and enthusiasm increase after Maggie gives them those words. Leadership Style Leadership style consists of two actions. The first action is the ability of a leader to develop a sustainable situation among the subordinates. Maggie has the ability to create the sustain situation. It can be seen in the novel that Maggie plays also plays her role to keep the balance of her organization by controlling the situation. Thanksgiving dinner was everything everyone had hoped it would be. Good friends breaking bread and giving thanks together. Chef Charles accepted the accolades heaped on him with a gracious smile. The conversation was light, at times bantering, but always in good taste. … Coffee and brandy were served in the living room, in front of a blazing fire, which Elias and Bert maintained. Outside, the snow continued to fall. Relaxing music, golden oldies that no one objected to, played softly. Even though there were football games on the big-screen via satellite, no one opted to watch them. All were content to sit and revel in the peaceful atmosphere with good friends. Michaels, 31 Maggie wants to keep the subordinates’ happiness, togetherness, and spirit. Thus, on Thanksgiving Day, all of the members of her organization gather in Charles Martin’s house on Big Pine Mountain. This agenda is effective to keep the relationship among the members. By this gathering, the members can build casual relationship which will be useful for the organization. The second is the ability to arouse motivation among the subordinates by designing and maintaining an environment for efficient performance. Maggie not PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 only gives orders to her subordinates but also keep communication to get report, to give further order, and to give motivation. Ted said. Tell me what you want us to do, Maggie. Yeah, yeah, I have one in my backpack. Tell me again. Do we take what we find if we find something, or do we just photograph it? Yeah, yeah. No sign of Snowdens people, but that doesnt mean they arent inside. Those assholes probably dropped down the chimney, or else theyre stuck up there. Yeah, sure, well leave them stuck in there if it turns out to be true. No problem. Hey, hey, we have Harry with us. Dont worry”... Whatever Maggies response was, Ted clamped his lips shut and opened the car door. Michaels, 108 Maggie also keeps an eye to maintain the subordinates’ work. Ted, one of Maggie’s organization’s members, calls Maggie for further action before the quartet crack Adel Newsom’s house. Maggie accepts no failure in this action because this is one of the most important steps of the organization to take down Baron Bell. This operation is meant to get any data about Baron Bell’s and Adel Newsom’s babies brokering. Based on the importance of this operation, Maggie needs to keep an eye and gives guideline for the group work. 4.2.2 Maggie’s Efforts to Take Down Baron Bell As a leader, Maggie is also a strategist. The organizational goal will be accomplish smoothly if the leader has a good strategy. The strategy taken by a leader is also known as strategic management. According to David 5, strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. David 5-6 states that there are three stages of strategic management. The first stage is strategy formulation. The second stage is strategy implementation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 The third stage is strategy evaluation. The application of three stages of strategic management is explained bellow. Strategy Formulation Strategy formulation is also known as strategy planning. Strategy formulation includes developing a vision and mission, identifying as organization’s external opportunities and threats, determining internal strengths and weakness, establishing long-term objectives, generating alternative strategies, and choosing particular strategies to pursue. David, 5-6 Maggie realizes that the success of her organization depends on her. Thus, Maggie has to prepare everything to avoid failure. Maggie creates some plans that she believes will help the organization reach the goal in an effective and efficient way. The first plan is to find out any information about Baron Bell. Before deciding the action should be taken to take down Baron Bell, Maggie needs to know about her enemy first. This information will be useful because knowing the enemy means bigger chance to win. The second plan is blowing up Baron Bell’s crime in public. This method is taken to penetrate Baron Bell. The third step is gathering crime record of Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. This method is taken as the proof that Baron Bell and Adel Newsom are doing broking babies which is illegal in United States of America. The next plan is to take the babies back to their real parents. There are twenty six babies that will be sold by Baron Bell to the highest bidder. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 Strategy Implementation Strategy implementation is also called the action of strategic management. Strategy implementation means mobilizing the leader and the subordinates to put the formulated strategies in action. According to Kondalkar 225, the success of an organization depends on the leader. In the bovel, Maggie, as the leader of the organization, plays an important role to lead the organization to reach the organizational goal. Benefited by the professionalism of the members, Maggie divides the members into some groups in order to gain effectiveness and efficiency. The work groups work based on their specialization as Maggie’s order. This method makes the work groups’ duties easier because Maggie manages the work groups’ tasks and maintains their work. The organization’s actions, as Maggie’s plan in strategy formulation stage, are explained below. Basing Knowledge The first operation of Maggie’s organization is compiling Baron Bell’s personal data. The purpose of this operation is to get better understanding of Baron Bell. Maggie has three sources that report to her about Baron Bell’s personal data and reputation. The sources are Elizabeth Fox, Abner Tookus, and Jack Emery. Firstly, Maggie gets Baron Bell’s information from Elizabeth Fox. Elizabeth Fox gets Baron Bell’s information from Rachel Dawson, Nellie Easter, Martine O’Connor, and Aaron Lowry. As Elizabeth Fox’s new client, Rachel PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 Dawson tells her problem to Elizabeth Fox. Rachel Dawson also tells her family’s effort to get their right. “Yes, Baron Bell. He seemed like such a nice man. He’s always in the papers, and he’s an advocate of everything. Everyone Tom talked to backed away when he told them it was Mr. Bell who had arrange the adoption.” Michaels, 7 Rachel Dawson shares information about Baron Bell that Baron Bell is avoided by other lawyer in the district. Thomas and Rachel Dawson give their best to get their babies back including trying to hire a new lawyer. This effort gives no result because no lawyers accept to fight against Baron Bell. Furthermore, Elizabeth Fox gets information from Nellie Easter, a retired judge. “Baron was always a gentleman in court. He fights to win his clients. He and I belong to five of six of the same organizations. He’s been Man of the Year for so many years, I’ve lost count. He used to do a lot of pro bono work.” Michaels, 22 Nellie Easter is a retired judge and Elizabeth Fox’s friend. Nellie Easter tells that Baron Bell is a gentleman in court and chosen as Man of the Year for so many years in Baron Bell’s organization. Nellie Easter describes that Baron Bell always fights to win for his clients. Baron Bell builds his own reputation which makes him as a high-profile lawyer in the district. Baron Bell’s status supported by some awards like Man of the Year for so many years. Moreover, Baron Bell used to do a lot of pro bono work. Elizabeth Fox adds that Baron Bell is known as a philanthropic attorney and a lover of children. Elizabeth Fox gets this information from Martine O’Connor, the president of United States of America. Martine O’Connor is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 Elizabeth Fox’s friend in high school. Elizabeth Fox also gets information from Aaron Lawry, a chief staff in White House. Aaron Lawry tells that Baron Bell is accepted by every politician on both side of the aisle. It means that Baron Bell is accepted by every politician. Baron Bell knows everyone. It shows that Baron Bell is a really strong lawyer in Washington. Secondly, Maggie gets a report from Abner Tookus, one of Maggie’s staff in the post. Abner Tookus states that Baron Bell has perfect reputation and untouchable in the district. You gotta be kidding me, Maggie. Mr. Squeaky Clean himself Mr. Man of the Year Mr. Personal Buddy of every power broker in Washington That guy is the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus all rolled into one. He is beloved and cherished beyond belief. Whatd the son of a bitch do to put him on your radar screen? Michaels, 25 Based on Abner Tookus’ information Baron Bell is too powerful to be defeated. As a winning lawyer, it is widely known that Baron Bell is chosen to Man of the Year as a lawyer. Has powerful relationship, it can be seen that Baron Bell is the friend of influence people in Washington. This relationship gives Baron Bell advantages. Baron Bell is also accepted by everyone in the district. Thirdly, Maggie gains information of Baron Bell’s reputation from her conversation with Jack Emery. Jack made a face. “Don’t be so sure, Maggie. I’ve seen that gut in court. They call him Saint Baron around the courthouse. There is also speculation that he has a couple of judges in his pocket. I’m just saying.” …Jack shook his head. “No, Maggie, I don’t. I just don’t want you to forget that Bell has some powerful friends here in the district. Yes, I know Lizzie does, too. He goes in and out of the white house like it’s his home away from home.” Michaels, 81 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 Based on Jack Emery’s story, Maggie finds that Baron Bell is a powerful attorney who has good relationship with several influencing people in Washington. In the courthouse people call him Saint Baron. Based on Gabrenya Jr.’s journal, Baron Bell is the member of upper middle social class. It can be seen in the information from Maggie’s subordinates that Baron Bell has a strong social network. He has good relationship with several former presidents of United States. He also befriend with various dignitaries in Washington. Michaels, 88 The information gives benefit to Maggie. By that information, Maggie can create the most suitable plan to reach the organizational goal. Based on the information, Maggie sets the plan and applies it as the further actions. The actions are explained below. Revealing Baron Bell’s Crime in Mass Media According to Elton 1, mass media is everywhere in modern society and it plays an important role to determine humans’ perception. Therefore, using mass media to penetrate someone will give tremendous effect. Maggie, in her second operation to take down Baron Bell, uses the power of mass media to penetrate Baron Bell. Maggie has all the facilities to promote the news because she works at the post . The first thing to do is convincing Elizabeth Fox’s clients, the Dawsons and Evanses, to bring their problem to public. Maggie sends Ted and Espinosa, as a task force group, to convince the Dawsons and Evanses. Maggie also gives command for the duo to take family pictures. There are several considerations PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 before Maggie’s article ready to print. One crucial thing for Maggie is choosing the headline. Her hands flew as she moved, shifted as she struggled to come up with a headline that would tell the story in three words or less… …On her way down in the elevator, Maggies fist shot in the air. Out of nowhere her headline hit her between the eyes. Youre toast, Baron Bell Michaels, 64-69 Maggie realizes that headline is crucial. Maggie does not want to have same experience with New York Papers. People care, but they move on when New York Papers prints Bernie Madoff, the most hated man in America. Finally, Maggie gets an idea that “Youre toast, Baron Bell will be her headline. The further action in this stage is interviewing Adel Newsom. Maggie comes to Adel Newsom’s office to do an interview. The content of the interview shows the intimidation to Adel Newsom about brokering babies and her relationship with Baron Bell. This strategy is used to penetrate Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. By threatening to bring their crime to public, Maggie hopes that Baron Bell and Adel Newsom will get panic. Adel Newsom’s response to Maggie’s questions shows that Adel Newsom is not comfortable with the interview and asks Maggie to leave. Michaels, 98-99 Cracking Adel Newsom’s House In Deadly Deals, Baron Bell is the former attorney for several adoptive parents. As a former private attorney, Baron Bell has all the adoption records and hid it in his partner’s house, Adel Newsom. According to, the record will give important information to determine whether Baron Bell and Adel Newsom sell the babies or arrange the adoptions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 The third operation is cracking Adel Newsom’s summer house at Rehoboth Beach. This operation is aimed to steal the record of brokering babies that is done by Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. Maggie sets a self manage work team to handles this task. Maggie believes that the quartet, Ted, Espinosa, Harry, and Jack, is more than capable to accomplish this goal. Thus, Maggie does not need to get involved because the members are professional. It can be seen when the work group finds the record. What did you say? Jack said as Ted stepped out of the way for him to get a better look at the contents of the freezer. Jack reached in to pick up one of the oversize trays. Lasagna, my ass. Grab these and head next door. This isnt food These are the records. I tried a case not too long ago where these drug dealers hid their money and records in dummy food containers in the freezer. Michaels, 110-111 Jack finds the record covered by food in the refrigerator. Adel Newsom is pretty sure that keeping the record in that kind of way will make the record save, but she is wrong. Adel Newsom’s trick is no longer effective because the quartet is able to find the record. Cracking Baron Bell’s Safe The fourth operation is gathering data about Baron Bell’s crime. Another work group in Maggie’s organization, Annie and Myra, receives an order to get Baron Bell’s record. This work group is cracking Baron Bell’s safe in his office. Previously, both Annie and Myra are trained by Tobias Tyson. This work group is benefited by the training and makes them easily enter and crack Baron Bell’s safe. She opened the door of the safe and stared down at the contents. Small bundles of money. She flipped through the bills and estimated there was twenty-five thousand dollars, give or take a few dollars. Quick-getaway money, nothing more. She riffled through the files but couldnt find anything related to baby adoptions. Michaels, 167-168 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 Annie and Myra are able to open the Baron Bell’s safe but unfortunately, they find nothing about babies brokering record. Their mission gives nothing to the organizational goal. Kidnapping Baron Bell, Adel Newsom, Donna Davis, and Joan Olsen The fifth operation is kidnapping Baron Bell, Adel Newsom, and the surrogate mothers, Donna Davis and Joan Olsen. Helped by Avery Snowden and his people, the foursome are kidnapped. The Sisters watched, bug-eyed, as Baron Bell slid across the polished wood floor, Adel Newsom right behind him. Both cursed loudly and ripely at the indignity they were undergoing. Avery Snowden, Charless man in charge, gave Bell a swift kick. Bell slid farther across the floor. Newsom curled into a ball and whimpered as the two surrogates clutched fiercely at one another, their eyes full of fear. Michaels, 181 The purpose of the abduction is to get their confession, the location of the babies, and further information deals with their crime. The vigilantes investigate the four criminals one by one. From the surrogate mothers’ confessions, the vigilantes find that Baron Bell and Adel Newsom is the master mind of the crime. From Baron Bell’s confession, the vigilantes get the babies’ location. This is valuable information because the later action is returning the babies to the rightful parents. Furthermore, the vigilantes also plan to return the money taken by Baron Bell from the families who are cheated by Baron Bell. Returning the Babies to the Parents Based on Gabrenya Jr. journal, in American modern era, most of social role are not gender restricted. Both men and women have the equality to play their role in society. Nowadays, women may participate in military as long as not PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 placed in direct combat. Meanwhile, men may work in feminine area such as nursing. In the novel, Espinosa does the feminine role that is to take care the babies before Maggie send the nurses. Gabrenya Jr., 13 The sixth operation is taking back the babies to the real adoptive parents. The first action in this stage is taking the babies before Baron Bell sells the babies to the highest bidder. Archie Trumble, one of Snowden’s men, gets an order to take the twenty six babies then deliver the babies to Maggie’s house. It took them a full twenty minutes to slog their way three doors down to Maggies house, where they were greeted by the leader of the caravan of ambulances. He introduced himself as Archie Trumble, one of Snowdens men. Mate, I am so happy to meet up with you. Theyre all yours now, and I cant say Im sorry to get rid of this particular delivery. We just unloaded the last of the supplies. Good luck, mate Michaels, 216 Jack, Harry, Ted, and Espinosa wait in Maggie’s house. After unloading the package, they are shocked that there are no nurses to take care the babies. Fortunately, Espinosa has experience of taking care babies. Espinosa takes the lead in this situation and manages the others to take care of the babies. The quartet has to wait until they can inform Maggie that the babies are safe and call their real parents. Strategy Evaluation Strategy evaluation is the primary means to gain the information of the strategies which are not working well. The evaluation process is taken by Maggie during the work groups doing their job. By limited communication, Maggie and the work groups update information to each other. The work groups give report PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 about the progress of their missions. Later on, Maggie gives further order to the work groups as a feedback. It can be seen when the Ted, Harry, jack, and Espinosa get an order to crack Adel Newsom’s house. Ted gives report to Maggie about the situation. In response to Ted’s report, Maggie gives further order to the quartet. The further order given by Maggie gives benefit to the quartet because the result of this group gives great support to the organizational goal. Michaels, 108 As a conclusion, Maggie is a good leader. It can be seen that Maggie has the four attributes of a leader that is the ability to use power effectively, the ability to comprehend, the ability to inspire, and leadership style. By those attributes, Maggie successfully leads the organization to take down Baron Bell. Maggie also leads the organization to pass the main problem of non-profit organizations that is financial resources. Maggie applies the strategic management to take down Baron Bell. There are three stages in strategic management. The first stage is strategy formulation or strategy planning. In this stage, Maggie compiles Baron Bell’s information from her sources then sets the most effective actions to take down Baron Bell. The second stage is strategy implementation. In this stage, Maggie arranges her subordinates to put her plans in actions. The actions are collecting Baron Bell’s information, bringing Baron Bell’s crime in mass media, cracking Adel Newsom’s house, cracking Baron Bell’s safe, kidnapping Baron Bell and his partners, and returning their babies back to their real parents. The third stage is strategy evaluation. The purpose of this stage is to maintain the subordinates’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 work. Keeping the subordinates’ work in the highest level will enhance the organization to accomplish its goal. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS This chapter consists of two parts, conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions cover all the answers of the formulated problems. The suggestions consist of two parts, namely suggestion for the further study on Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals and suggestion for teaching learning activities using literary work.

5.1 Conclusions