Critical Approach Maggies`s efforts to lead her organization to take down Baron Bell as seen in Fern Michaels` Deadly Deals.

17 internal factors from current strategies. Second is measuring performance. Third is taking corrective actions.

2.2 Critical Approach

Rohrberger and Woods Jr. explain that literature as one of arts which has esthetic value. They also explain that the response to the esthetic value is called esthetic response which is used to response the beauty of literature 3. In order to understand the esthetic value of literature, the readers need critical approach. Rohrberger and Woods state five kinds of critical approach 6-13. The first critical approach is the mythopoeic approach. This approach is used to discover recurrent patterns of human thought. The patterns are found in the ancient myth and folk rites that influence peoples thought. The second approach is the psychological approach. This approach tries to locate and demonstrate the recurrent humans patterns by using his imagination and creation. In this approach, character is the element of literary work. This approach is applied to discover the characters personality, which can be found in symbolic words, thoughts, and actions. The third is the formalist approach. This approach focuses on the structure of literary work. The formalist approach concentrates almost entirely on the esthetic values, which are concerned with the harmonious of the meaning derivation from structure and technique in determining structure. This approach does not concern with the facts of the authors life, the genre of the literary work, and the social milieu The fourth approach is the biographical approach. This approach focuses on the authors personality and life. In order to know the personality and life of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 author, the readers could collect facts about the authors personality and life. It can help the readers to appreciate the authors literary work. The last approach is the socio-cultural historical approach. This approach focuses on the social, culture, and history background of literary works. It implies that the social, culture, and history background of literary works will influence the making of the literary works

2.3 Review of American Modern Social Life