Theoretical Framework Maggies`s efforts to lead her organization to take down Baron Bell as seen in Fern Michaels` Deadly Deals.


2.4 Theoretical Framework

In this study the writer analyses Maggie’s organization. The first question discuss about Maggie’s organization, while the second question discuss about Maggie’s effort to lead her organization to achieve the organizational goal. The theory of organization, theory of work groups, theory of leadership, and theory of strategic management are used by the writer to answer those two questions. The first question discuss about Maggie’s organization. The theory of organization by Daft 2004, and Hodge and Anthony 1988 are used to analyze Maggie’s organization. Both experts have the similar explanation about an organization. They stated that organizations are social entities group which are work together to achieve the same purposes. Furthermore, there are some divisions or work groups within Maggie’s organization which work as their specialization to support the organizational goal. The theory of work groups by George and Jones 2005 is used to analyze this matter. The second question discuss about Maggie’s efforts to lead the organization to achieve the organizational goal. Firstly, an analysis of Maggie as a leader of her organization to take down Baron Bell is necessary. The theory of leadership by Kondalkar 2007 and Daft 2005 are used to analyze this matter. Secondly, the strategy taken by Maggie to take down Baron Bell will be analyzed. The theory of strategic management by David 2001 is used to analyze the steps taken by Maggie to take down Baron Bell. In this study, socio-cultural historical review is used to analyze Baron Bell’s social class and to review adoption in the United States. The review of American PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 society and adoption in the United States give better understanding to analyze Baron Bell and the review of the Dawsons’ adoption. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY This chapter consists of three parts. The first section is object of the study. The object of the study consists of a brief description of the novel Deadly. The second section is approach of the study. Approach of the study explains about the approach to conduct this study. The last section is method of the study. Method of the study describes the steps of analyzing the novel and the applying approach to answer the questions formulated in the problem formulation.

3.1 Object of the Study