Description of Maggie’s Organization

29 CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS This Chapter consists of two parts. The first part gives complete description about Maggie’s organization. The second part discusses about Maggie as the leader of her organization and Maggie’s efforts to lead her organization to take down the higher power enemy, namely Baron Bell

4.1 Description of Maggie’s Organization

Hodge and Anthony 7 state that the basic meaning of an organization is the establishment of structural relationship among two or more people in which cooperation emerges. The purpose of this cooperation is achieving the organizational goal. The members of this organization believe that working together will enhance the opportunity to achieve their common goal. Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals describes the benefit of working together as an organization toward a goal. In the novel, Maggie’s organization helps Elisabeth Fox to take down a powerful lawyer, Baron Bell. A description of Maggie’s organization is explained below. 4.1.1 Maggie’s Organization The gathering of individuals is not always considered as an organization. There are some considerations before a gathering of individuals can be called an organization. According to Daft 11, there are four conditions of an organization. The first condition is an organization is a social entity. The primary element of an organization is the interaction within the group members and the relationship of one to another among the members. While the physical shapes such as building, set of policies PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 or set of procedures are considered as the secondary elements. The interaction and the relationship among the members which is emerging in the gathering of individuals which is led by Maggie is the first element of an organization. The second condition is an organization is goal-directed. An organization exists when the interaction among the members perform essential functions that help attain goals. In the novel Deadly Deals, the gathering of individuals which is led by Maggie has a clear purpose. Maggie manages the members to accomplish the organization goal, it is to take down Baron Bell. The third condition is an organization is designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems. Another key element of an organization is the presence of a leader in the gathering of individuals. The leader intends to lead, manage, and coordinate the organizational resources to achieve the organizational purpose. In the novel Deadly Deals, Maggie, as the leader of the organization, takes responsibility to lead, manage, and coordinate the members of her group. Maggie controls and leads them to accomplish the organization goal. The fourth condition is an organization linked to the external environment. An organization deals with external environment. There must be an interaction between organization and external environment. In the novel Deadly Deals, Baron Bell is considered as the external environment. Maggie leads her organization to take down Baron Bell. 4.1.2 Type of Maggie’s Organization According to Daft 11-12, there are two types of organization, for-profit business organization and nonprofit business organization. Each type of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 organization has different purpose. For-profit business organization directs the purpose to get profit or money, while nonprofit organization directs the effort toward generating some kinds of social impact. The type of Maggie’s organization can be seen from the organizational purpose. “…in short of a miracle that all of us are safe for the moment. Outside, fighting the elements, there are dozens of people who are trying to make things right because of all the wrongs you four committed. We know there are more of you, and we will find them, maybe not today or tomorrow, but we will find them.” Michaels, 183 Based on the Daft explanation, Maggie’s organization is categorized as non- profit organization. The members of the organization direct their goal toward generating some kinds of social impact. Maggie’s organization does not look forward for profit but to help the powerless adoptive parents cheated by Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. The commitment of the members of Maggie’s organization is finding the evil like Baron Bell and fixes the broken. They have desire and commitment to fight against the villain. She felt her eyes start to burn as she stared at first one baby, then another. She rubbed her thumb over the chubby faces of the babies and whispered, Im going to get those bastards, and thats a promise. Im going to make sure you go back to your real parents, so you can grow up in the loving home that was supposed to be yours. Im going to make sure you little gals get to play Little League and you little guys get to take guitar lessons. Im going to make it my mission in life to follow your lives. From here on in, Im Aunt Maggie, and I will not let you down. Thats a promise. Michaels, 139 Maggie has a promise to bring the babies back to their real parents, the ones who are supposed to be responsible for them. Maggie promises to herself, that she will do her best to defend their right. Maggie uses her organization to accomplish her wish. This purpose is one of the attributes of non-profit organization. Maggie and her organization have the same purpose, that is to return the babies to their real parents. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 4.1.3 The Group Within Maggie’s Organization According to George and Jones 314, a group can be defined as a set of two or more people who interact with each other to achieve certain goals. The purposes of the groups’ goals are helping an organization to achieve the organizational goal. There are two types or group within an organization, formal work groups and informal work groups. The formal work groups are set up by the leader based on specific purposes that determined by the needs of an organization. The informal work groups emerge naturally in an organization to achieve their goals or meet their needs. George and Jones, 311-314 In Fern Michaels Deadly Deals, Maggie divides the members into some work groups based on the subordinates’ abilities. The purpose of this job ceiling is to gain effectiveness and efficiency. As a leader, Maggie works as a supervisor that receives the reports from each group’s leader and then gives more command for further action. The four kinds of formal group work emerge in Maggie’s organization. The complete description of work groups in Maggie’s organization are described below. A Command Group The first type of group is command group. According to George and Jones 312, this group gives huge impact to organization to achieve its goal. The command group is based on reporting relationship to the organization leader. Maggie plays such an important role in determining the success of the organization because the members depend on the leader. The command group PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 work emerges when Maggie gives an order to Abner Tookus to report to her a detail report about Baron Bell. Maggie’s voice turned syrupy sweet. “Not all that much. I want everything there is to get on one Baron Bell. I want it from the moment he came into being in his mother’s womb until this very minute, and after that I want hourly update” Michaels, 25 The purpose of this assignment is to compile Baron Bell’s personal data. The basic information about Baron Bell will help the organization to take down Baron Bell. The more Maggie knows Baron Bell means the better to take Baron Bell down. A Task Force The second type of group emerges in Maggie’s organization is a task force. According to George and Jones 312-313, a task force deals with specific problem. A task force is usually disbanded after meeting the goal. The task force emerges when Maggie gives order to Ted and Espinosa to convince the Dawsons and Evanses to go public about their problem. Furthermore, she asks for some family pictures. As they sat in the kitchen at the Post, Maggie scarfed down pancakes and sausages as she rattled off orders to Ted and Espinosa… Its your job to convince the Dawsons and Evanses to go public. I want family pictures. All new parents take pictures all day long. I want a regular gallery. I want sweet, I want sad, I want devastated. Michaels, 65 Maggie chooses Ted and Espinosa to handle this assignment. Both Ted and Espinosa are experts in journalism. The first member is Ted. Ted is a star investigative reporter. By Ted’s ability in communication, Maggie believes that Ted is able to influence the Dawsons and Evanses to bring their problem in public. The second member is Espinosa. Espinosa is a photo journalist. Maggie PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 orders Espinosa to take some family pictures. As a photo journalist, Maggie has no doubt about Espinosa’s ability. There are two purposes dealing with this assignment. The first purpose is to gain people’s support by blowing up Baron Bell’s crime in public. Maggie believes people will pay attention to the Dawsons and Evanses family. By this method, those families will gain people’s support that will give benefit to both families. As Maggie works at the post, bringing this issue in mass media is in her mind. The second purpose is using the family pictures as a supportive message for her article. Maggie believes that using this method will gain public attention. Maggie believes that by blowing up Baron Bell’s crime in mass media, Baron Bell’s movement will be limited. A Team George and Jones 313 state that a team is a formal group that interacts at a high level and works together intensively. Supported by experience and abilities of its members, a team may work effectively and efficiently. A team is established to accomplish a goal which is impossible to be done individually. In Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals, a team can be seen when Annie and Myra crack Baron Bell’s safe to steal the record of adopted children. Before the mission starts, Annie and Myra have been trained by Tobias Tyson about cracking a safe. Both members are professional and have the required skill to enter Baron Bell’s office. The purpose of this mission is to find the record which will support the organization purpose. Michaels, 164-172 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 A Self Manage Work Team According to George and Jones 313, a self manage work team is a team without any leader but each member performs leadership task. Each member has adequate authority to coordinate and maintain other members’ work. In Fern Michaels’ Deadly Deals, a self manage work team emerges when a quartet, Ted, Espinosa, Harry, and Jack, ordered by Maggie to crack Adel Newsom’s summer house at Rehoboth Beach. This group consists of four different experts. Ted is a star investigative reporter. Espinosa is a photo journalist. Harry is a martial art expert. Jack is a federal prosecutor. Those people are an excellent combination to handle this assignment. The quartet is asked to find some information about the baby brokering by Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. This group performs a self manage work team because there is no leader in his group but each member performing leadership to another. It can be seen when the group arrives near the guard house. Harry takes charge to make a safe way in to Adel Newsom’s house. “…Stay here. I will take care of the matters.” Harry was out of the vehicle and walking around the front of the Rover before Jack could get his wits about him. The guard opened the door, and Harry motioned him back inside. Michaels, 105 After the quartet successfully passes the guard, they drive to Adel Newsom’s house. Harry is brilliant. While he take cares the guard, he also memorizes the map on the guard house that leads them to Adel Newsom’s house. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 Espinosa parks the car nearby Adel Newsom’s house. When the quartet approaches Adel Newsom’s house, Espinosa worries about the footprints they made. I guess you know were going to be leaving footprints, Espinosa fretted. Only if visitors can see the footprints. Ted reached up and turned off the gas lamp. Everybody hit one of the houses on the street and turn off the lamps. The gizmo is right there below the flame. The guys sprinted off to do Teds bidding. Michaels 108-109 Ted turns off the gas lamp on the street. Ted also asks his partners to do the same thing. This action should help them to cover their arrival because no one can see their footprints. Ted has his second brilliant idea to pick the lock on Adel Newsom’s neighbor’s house. This idea is the response to Maggie’s massage that Adel Newsom and Baron Bell are heading to that house. Ted leads the quartet once more. This action is meant to prevent the duo’s coming. Ted also prepares a story if their existence is detected by Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. Michaels, 109 Harry sees a car light heading to the house indicating that someone is coming. As predicted before, it is Adel Newsom. The foursome runs back to Adel Newsom’s neighbor’s house at light speed. Suddenly, Adel Newsom knocks on the house. Since Ted, Harry, and Jack cannot be seen, Espinosa takes charge to control the situation. “You aren’t Mike Otis,” Adel Newsom said, suspicion ringing in her voice. Thank God” Espinosa said dramatically. “I’m his nephew. By Marriage. He asked me to come down to check the pipes so they don’t freeze. Not that it’s any of your business, ma’am. Who are you anyway?” Michaels, 113 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 The quartet successfully takes the record of brokering babies done by Baron Bell and Adel Newsom. The self manage work team accomplishes the mission ordered by Maggie. In short, the gathering of people who is led by Maggie can be concluded as an organization. This gathering of people fulfills the entire requirement to be an organization that is social entity, goal-directed, structure and management, and linked to external environment. Based on the analysis, Maggie’s organization is categorized as a non-profit organization. It can be seen from the organization’s purpose that is direct the effort toward generating some kinds of social impact. In this case, Maggie’s organization helps powerless adoptive parents who are cheated by Baron Bell. The organization also tries to return the babies to their real parents. In order to accomplish the organizational goal, Maggie, as the leader of her organization, divides the members into four work groups. The work groups are a command group, a task force, a team, and a self manage work team. The purpose of this job ceiling is to gain effectiveness and efficiency. As sub-groups of an organization, they have responsibility to accomplish their goals which support the organizational goal.

4.2 Maggie’s Efforts as the Leader of the Organization to Take Down