Learners’ Needs from Parents’ Point of View Learners’ Needs from the Teachers’Point of View


a. Learners’ Needs from Parents’ Point of View

The data were obtained by distributing questionnaire A to twenty TK Kanisius Klepu pupils’ parents as the results of the random sampling. The questionnaire was distributed to the parents in the school when they waited for their children. From the result of the questionnaire, some facts have been revealed. All of the parentswere agreeing if English was introduced to the kindergarten pupils. They had some expectations to their children who started learnt English in kindergarten. The parents hope that by learning English in kindergarten their children will be able to mention the things around the students correctly using English, read the English vocabulary correctly, and listen and understand some English sentences. Based on this result, the writer designeda set of materials on pupils’ daily vocabularies.

b. Learners’ Needs from the Teachers’Point of View

The interview was conducted to three teachers of TK Kanisius Klepu. The three teachers have more than ten years of teaching experience. The interview was conducted in Indonesian since the teachers were not havingEnglish background. The results of the interview are presented in the appendix. From the result of the interview, it is known that the kindergarten pupils are aged between four to five years old. Here, English is not included as one of the compulsory subject matter but it is one of the extra subjects to be taught. The time allocation for English is once a week 2 X 30 minutes. Teachers were agreed that English is introduced since in kindergarten for some reasons. Learning English is needed to motivate the pupils to learn foreign PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 language and something new, besides,to get pupils be familiar to their surrounding things and to enlarge their knowledge. The most important reason to learn English in kindergarten is to prepare pupils for facing English subject in Elementary School. According to the teachers, the materials should be taught in kindergarten are the daily vocabulary and some simple expressions. From this result, the writer decided to design a set of vocabulary materials for the pupils. There are some difficulties in teaching English to the kindergarten pupils. Firstly, the teachers are having limitation on speaking English. It makes them used Indonesian rather than English in teaching the pupils. Secondly, there were no handbooks for the pupils. It makes pupils could not learn English at home. The other difficulties are that they had limited media and the lack variations of learning activities which make pupils be inactivate in classroom. This fact challenged the writer to design a vocabulary material using entertaining ways in order to motivate pupils and to avoid their boredom. Talking about the media, based on the teachers’ point of view, media is very important and effective since pupils are able to see the real objects of the words they are being learned. The existence of media makes pupils more interesting in learning the new words. Teachers usually used pictures and the things in the classroom as the media in teaching learning process. The limitation of the media made the writer try to design a set of vocabulary materials which include colorful pictures and the physical movements, some actionable stories, and some fun activities such as action songs and games in which pupils are getting involved and have to be active during the process. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 Concerning to the method used by the teachers, they said that they used repetition to teach vocabulary. The teachers read the vocabulary, and the pupils repeated after them. This activity was done several times to make the pupils familiar to the words and be able to pronounce it correctly. In teaching some simple expressions, besides using repetition, teachers also used some simple commands. In the teachers’ opinion, there are some effective methods in teaching English in kindergarten; singing, storytelling, simple games, and physical activities to make the pupils active. Based on this result, the writer chose Total Physical Response- Storytelling in designing the materials. In TPR-S, teacher uses some physical movements to teach vocabulary and to distribute the story to the pupils. By using these movements, it is hoped that the pupils could pay full attention to the teacher in presenting the vocabulary as well as the stories. Pupils are getting involved actively in the retelling sections. The confidence, independence and bravery of the pupils are needed in order to make the process run well. The complete results of the interview could be seen on appendix D.

c. the Results of Class Observation

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