This chapter consists of two parts, namely conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions part deals with the conclusions of this study, while the suggestions part discusses the suggestions for English teachers and for further researchers.

A. Conclusions

The purpose of this study is to design a set of English vocabulary materials using Total Physical Response-Storytelling TPR-S for TK Kanisius Klepu. There were two problems formulated here. The first question was how a set of English vocabulary materials using total physical response-storytelling is designed. The second question was what the presentation of the designed materials look like. In order to answer the first question, the writer emplyed the first five steps in Research and Development R D. The steps were: 1 Research and Information Collecting, 2 Planning, 3 Developing Preliminary Form of Product, 4 Preliminary Field Testing, and 5 Main Product Revision. To answer the first question, the writer adapted two instructional design models, from Kemp and Yalden into some steps. Those steps were: 1 conducting needs survey, 2 specifying goals, topics, and general purposes, 3 formulating objectives, 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI selecting contents, 5 selecting teachinglearning activities and resources, 6 developing materials, 7 evaluating materials, and 8 revising materials. In order to validate the designed materials, the writer conducted post –design survey by distributing questionnaire B to three teahers of TK Kanisius Klepu and one English lecturer. The questionnaire were intended to obtain evaluation to the designed materials, whether it is needed to be improved or not. From the survey it could be concluded that the materials were good and acceptable. It could be seen from the descriptive statistics of the participants’s opinions which showed that the average agreement was around 3.7 – 4.3. To answer the second question, the writer presents a set of designed materials using TPR-S for TK Kanisius Klepu. It consists of 6 units; 1 I Take a Bath Everyday, 2 I Draw A House, 3 It Is A Square, 4 I Am Happy, 5 I walk, Run, and Jump, and 6 The Elephant is Big. Each unit contains 5 activities: My Words, Story Time, Take Your Turn, Let’s Do It, and Let’s Look Back.

B. Suggestions

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