Formulating Objectives Selecting Contents Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Resources

22 situation, the activity in class, and the problems that were faced by the learners during the teaching learning process. The results of these three steps then were used as the basic in designing the materials.

2. Specifying Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

This stage was adapted from Kemp’s instructional design model. In this stage, the term “goal” will be changed into “Competency Standard” which means a set of competency which is done and achieved through the students’ result Mulyasa, 2003: 290. Besides the main goal, there will be more specific goals in each meeting. In Kemp’s model, they are called as general purposes. However, in this study, the writer uses the term namely “Basic Competence”. By using this, it can remind the teachers “how far the target of competency should be achieved” Mulyasa, 2003: 291. The topics of the designed materials are chosen based on the needs survey done in the first step. The writer chose only the topics which were possible to be designed using TPR-S method.

3. Formulating Objectives

The “Learning Objectives” stage from Kemp’s instructional design model was adapted as the third stage. The objectives can be drawn from the needs survey. Based on the results of needs survey the writer may know which aspects need more attention. By stating the objectives, the writer knows what should be learned by the learners and whether they have achieved it or not by the end of the course. In this study, the writer used the term “Indicators”, and it was written in each topic. “Indicators is more specific than basic competence. If a set of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23 indicators in basic competence has been achieved, it means that the basic competences target has been achieved, too” Mulyasa, 2003: 391 According to TPR-S, the objectives is set to teach vocabulary incorporated into stories which students hear, see, act out, retell, revise, and rewrite. It eliminates the need of memorization of lengthy vocabulary lists and complex grammar rules.

4. Selecting Contents

This step was the continuing of the previous step and was adapted from Kemp’s instructional design model. In this step, the writer prepared the instructional materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices that support teaching vocabulary using TPR-S. The subject contents mostly will be based on TPR-S that will enable pupils to learn English vocabulary through story and physical actins. The theories were taken from some books and sources which discuss TPR-S and the classroom activities.

5. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Resources

In this stage the writer should decide the effective and efficient teaching learning activities and also select the resources which are able to support the teaching learning process. Referring to the goal of TPR-S which focuses on acquiring vocabulary through physical actions and storyline, most the teaching learning activities will be in physical movements in which pupils get involved in the learning process.

6. Developing Materials

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