Research and Information Collecting Developing Preliminary Form of Product Preliminary Field Testing


4. Questionnaire B

The questionnaire B was used two types of questionnaires, namely closed- ended form and open-ended form. The data analysis of the closed-ended form questionnaire was just the same as questionnaire A. For the open-ended form questionnaire, the participants had to write their own answers and made some evaluation, critics or suggestions about the designed materials. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed descriptively by classifying the answers. The analysis was used as the basis for revising and improving the designed materials into the final version.

F. Research Procedures

In this research there were some steps done by the researcher. The steps were based on Research and Development theory by Borg and Gall 1983 and were combined with the writer’s instructional design model. The steps were:

1. Research and Information Collecting

In order to collect the information, the writer was conducting needs survey as the first step of her instructional design model. The needs survey here was done for two things, they are the information about the theory and about the pupils. In collecting information about the theory, the writer was doing the library study. It was done to observe the needed resources and also references which support this study. They were books, theses, and also internet websites. For the information about the pupils, the writer was doing some steps. First, the writer distributed the questionnaire A to the pupils’ parents of TK PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 Kanisius Klepu. Next, the writer conducted an interview to the teachers of TK Kanisius Klepu and observed the teaching learning activities in order to gain the data needed in designing the materials. This step was done to find out the pupils’ characteristics, needs, and interests in learning English. 2. Planning After collecting the information needed about the theories and the learners’ needs, the researcher planned the materials would be designed. The next four steps of the writer’s instructional design model were done in this phase; they are specifying goals, topics, and general purposes, formulating objectives, selecting contents, and selecting teachinglearning activities and resources, which were included in syllabus and lesson plan.

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product

In this study, this step was the containing the sixth step of the writer’s instructional design model, named “Develop the Materials”. In this step, the writer analyzed the data gained in the first phase, and then used it as the basis to develop the materials. The product was in the form of materials designed for the students of TK Kanisius Klepu.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

The seventh step of the writer’s instructional design model namely “Evaluating Materials” was done in this step. The writer distributed the questionnaire B to the teachers of TK Kanisius Klepu and some lecturers of English Language Education Study Program. The questionnaire was about the respondents’ opinion to the materials designed by the writer, whether it has PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 appropriate for the pupils or still needed some changes or improvement. The data resulted from this phase then would be used to revise the materials designed.

5. Main Product Revision

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