Insult and Slur Scatology

20 times obscenities are added to jokes and stories to make them appear as funny as possible. The function number four is to show surprising reactions to unexpected achievement, loss or other behaviour. These usages are typical of expletives and commonly involve religious terms, for example, “Jesus” or “oh god”. The last is to deliver sarcastic irony or insults. These episodes involved derogatory words and descriptions, you fag or scum face are good examples. Here the speaker attempted to mock or criticize the target of abuse in front of peers. Rather than only expressing anger on the part of the speaker, insults serve the function of denoting undesirable qualities of the target, whether these are real or imaginative for the speaker. Therefore, the references of swear words can be identified only by considering the context and the way the words are used. According to Pinker 2007, there are five different ways in which people use swear words: 1 descriptively, 2 idiomatically, 3 abusively, 4 emphatically, and 5 cathartically p.19. The typology is called the typology of swearing. Pinker formulates it as a concise tool to analyze how people use swear words. According to Giora 1997, descriptive swearing notes that the use of taboo words refers directly to their literal meanings which means the meaning is computed from the lexical meanings automatically associated any entries before any extra interference considering the contextual assumption which have been derived p. 185. The utterance “let’s fuck” with the word fuck refers to “have PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 sex ”. Therefore, the use of taboo word which does not contain of any context might indicate that the word is used by its literal meaning. The next part is idiomatic swearing. It clearly suggests that there is idiom in the use of taboo words of swear words. Fromkin et al. 2000 explain that idioms are the expression with fixed phrases, consisting of more than one word, which cannot be concluded from the meanings of the individual words. There are many idioms which originally have metaphorical expression which establishes themselves in the language and become frozen in their form of meaning p. 181, for example, “when the shit is going to hit the fan” is inferred as “when disastrous consequences of something become known ”. Palmer 2001 also thinks that idioms also involve collocation of a special kind, for instance, “fucked up” means “destroyed” p. 181. The third is abusive swearing. It happens when people use taboo words to abuse or offend someone else. Since it affects the addressees emotionally, the use of taboo or swear words which are delivered by the speaker who has emotionally reason as well might be offensive Jay, 2000. It is in the same line with Ljung‟s theory which talks about expletive interjection as one of emotive functions when the utterance is directed to addressees, for example, “fuck you, motherfucker” Ljung, 2011. The fourth is emphatic swearing which presents the use of taboo words as expletive interjection or slot- filler like in “that painting is fucking amazing” Ljung, 2011. The taboo words act as an adjective intensifier which might give stronger emotional sense for hisher admiration or amazement on something. It