26 means that it has an unrivalled capacity to constitute compelling arguments about how things work in particular contexts p. 2. Specifically, there were some methods in conducting qualitative research, such as content analysis, case study and discourse analysis. The researcher used content analysis as the method. Content Analysis is a scientific study of content of communication in which the content deals with reference to the meanings, contexts and intentions contained in the messages Prasad, 2008. Nachmias observes that content analysis may be seen as a method where the content of the message forms the basis for drawing inferences and conclusions about the content as cited in Prasad, 2008, p. 2. Further, Prasad notes that content analysis falls in the interface of observation and document analysis p. 2. The researcher believed that content analysis was the best method to use in addressing these two research questions since it provided an overview about the language phenomena related to swear words in a form of document analysis.

B. Research SourceObject

The subject of this research was the movie transcript by Michael Bay entitled Bad Boys II. This is an American action-comedy movie released in 2003. The movie is about two detectives in the narcotic division of the Miami Police Department who investigate 100 million heroin stealing. This movie has been preferred since it presented a lot of swear words used in the police and criminals environment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27

C. Instruments and Data Collecting Technique

This research used document transcript material to collect the data. From the movie, the researcher was able to get the dialog transcript which contains of swear words. Besides, the researcher could feel the authentic atmosphere when the swear words are used in particular situations of the different communities. Besides, the researcher also watched the movie as many as possible to complete the transcript and analyze the context of swear words uttered in the movie. The first step was collecting the data. The researcher listed the swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey as the main character in the movie. After dealing with the words, the researcher checked the phrases, clauses or sentences to classify them as utterances. Afterwards, the researcher analyzed the use of those words based on the situation in the movie scenes whether it took place in the dangerous, happy, serious, or other conditions. It was classified into the form of the table below: Table 3.1. Classification Table to Categorize Swear Words Uttered by Mike Lawrey The table above contained the column of the data derived from the transcript, the kinds of swear words uttered classification, the way the speaker Mike Lawrey swears, and the explanation. In the data column, the researcher Data Kinds The Way the Speaker Swears Explan- ation Dialogue Swearing C P B O V E I S D I A E C 28 input the whole of conversation containing swear words uttered by Mike into the Dialogue column and those swear words only into the Swearing column. Kinds column contained of six sub columns where the researcher put the swear words uttered into the suitable categories: C Cursing, PB ProfanityBlasphemy, O Obscenity, V Vulgarity, E Epithet, I Insult, and S Scatology. It was also same for the next column which contained the sub columns of how the speaker Mike Lawrey swears. There were five columns: D Descriptively, I Idiomatically, A Abusively, E Emphatically, and C Cathartically. The last was Explanation which were used to input the context of the conversation occurred.

D. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis was the process of analysing the data collected using several techniques. In this part, there were some steps conducted in analyzing the data. First of all, the researcher classifies the swear words based on the Jay’s theory i.e. cursing, profanity or blasphemy, obscenity, vulgarity, epithet, insult and slur, and scatology. This step helped the researcher answer the first research question. Second, after classifying the words, the researcher relateed the words with several theories from different experts in language specializing in the use of swear words, especially Pinker’s theory, to find appropriate references to answer the second question. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29

E. Research Procedure

There were several steps the researcher followed in conducting the research such as deciding the research problems, reviewing the literature of the problem, determining the research approach and method, selecting data collection, analyzing the data, interpreting the result and composing the thesis. The first step was deciding the research problems. In this step, the researcher tried to formulate the questions coming from the researcher’s curiosity and interest related to language. The researcher mostly searched the data from the internet and the information from the Bad Boys II movie. In the next step, the researcher reviewed the literature of the problem. It was conducted to gain more knowledge about the topic. The researcher read several journals and modules to be more confident in mastering the theories related to the research. Afterwards, the researcher chose the theories which were appropriate to be used in the research. After reviewing the literature of the problem, the researcher decided the research approach: pragmatic. The research used the qualitative method to get the detailed and deeper information about the topic. The next step was the most challenging process. In this step, the researcher did data triangulation: to analyze the data using the theories which had been chosen, to make the theories as the bases, and to interpret the findings and conclude the results in a narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the researcher also concluded the results from the data which had been analyzed. This part presented the conclusion whether the research questions were best answered