The Use of Swear Words

21 sex ”. Therefore, the use of taboo word which does not contain of any context might indicate that the word is used by its literal meaning. The next part is idiomatic swearing. It clearly suggests that there is idiom in the use of taboo words of swear words. Fromkin et al. 2000 explain that idioms are the expression with fixed phrases, consisting of more than one word, which cannot be concluded from the meanings of the individual words. There are many idioms which originally have metaphorical expression which establishes themselves in the language and become frozen in their form of meaning p. 181, for example, “when the shit is going to hit the fan” is inferred as “when disastrous consequences of something become known ”. Palmer 2001 also thinks that idioms also involve collocation of a special kind, for instance, “fucked up” means “destroyed” p. 181. The third is abusive swearing. It happens when people use taboo words to abuse or offend someone else. Since it affects the addressees emotionally, the use of taboo or swear words which are delivered by the speaker who has emotionally reason as well might be offensive Jay, 2000. It is in the same line with Ljung‟s theory which talks about expletive interjection as one of emotive functions when the utterance is directed to addressees, for example, “fuck you, motherfucker” Ljung, 2011. The fourth is emphatic swearing which presents the use of taboo words as expletive interjection or slot- filler like in “that painting is fucking amazing” Ljung, 2011. The taboo words act as an adjective intensifier which might give stronger emotional sense for hisher admiration or amazement on something. It 22 does not contain of offensive sense both for the speakers or the listeners addressees. The last is cathartic swearing when the speaker uses the taboo words to spontaneously give emotional burst for responding something that happens to himher Pinker, 2007. Cathartic swearing might occur when it expresses anger, surprise, pain, relief and other feelings and it is not delivered to anyone, for instance, when someone hits hisher own finger with hammer, heshe shouts “fuck” or “damn” Ljung, 2011. It distinguishes this type from abusive swearing which has addressees to express hisher emotional needs. However, taboo words could possibly belong to more than a type, for example, “fuck you” could be included into abusive, idiomatic, or cathartic swearing. It is supported by Ljung 2011 who gives an overlook to Pinker‟s typology that it “spills over each other” p. 26. Consequently, the review about the utterance becomes important. There might be more than one type applied by seeing the context.

C. Theoretical Framework

After knowing the concept of taboo and swear words, it is easier to detect the use of the swear words used in Bad Boys II Movie. Bad Boys II movie presents the use of swear words in some particular communities. This concept explains the purpose of using swear words in the movie. 23 To find out the kinds of swear words found in the movie, the researcher uses the theories of Jay 2009 about the kinds of swear words interpretation. Therefore, this theory helps the researcher not to figure out the meaning of the words literally, but to know the category of swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey. It is also important to define the use of swear words found in the movie which are compared to the situation of the scenes. To figure out how Mike utters the swear words and find the emotive function behind the utterances, the researcher uses sources composed by two authors who provide some possible references for swear words uttered in various context such as Pinker 2007 and Ljung 2011. The utterances containing taboo or swear words occur are categorized into five Pinker‟s typologies: descriptively, idiomatically, abusively, emphatically, and cathartically. Those typologies describe the emotive functions. The framework to address the research question number two is schemed as follows: Figure 2.1. Diagram of Theoretical Framework In brief, to answer the research question number one, some kinds of swear words are derived in order to convey the reference and or sense of the utterances Descriptively Utterance containing taboo words swear words Idiomatically Emotive function Abusively Emphatically Cathartically PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 containing swear words. To answer research question number two, the researcher uses the theory of Pinker 2007 and Ljung 2011. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25


This chapter presents the method used by the researcher to conduct this research. It is divided into six parts: the research method, research setting, research source, instruments and data collecting technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The method used in this research is namely qualitative research which provides descriptive information about the topic. This qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspe ctive of the human’s participants in the study Ary, Jacob and Razavieh, 2002. Moreover, qualitative research presents detailed and completed information about the research. The researcher was quite sure that qualitative research was the best method in addressing the research questions because it provided the language phenomena related to swear words, especially the context behind the utterances. Masson 2002 states qualitative researches are using methodologies that celebrate richness, depth, nuance, context, multi-dimensionality and complexity. Instead of editing these elements out in search of the general picture or the average, qualitative research factors them directly into its analyses and explanations. It PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 means that it has an unrivalled capacity to constitute compelling arguments about how things work in particular contexts p. 2. Specifically, there were some methods in conducting qualitative research, such as content analysis, case study and discourse analysis. The researcher used content analysis as the method. Content Analysis is a scientific study of content of communication in which the content deals with reference to the meanings, contexts and intentions contained in the messages Prasad, 2008. Nachmias observes that content analysis may be seen as a method where the content of the message forms the basis for drawing inferences and conclusions about the content as cited in Prasad, 2008, p. 2. Further, Prasad notes that content analysis falls in the interface of observation and document analysis p. 2. The researcher believed that content analysis was the best method to use in addressing these two research questions since it provided an overview about the language phenomena related to swear words in a form of document analysis.

B. Research SourceObject

The subject of this research was the movie transcript by Michael Bay entitled Bad Boys II. This is an American action-comedy movie released in 2003. The movie is about two detectives in the narcotic division of the Miami Police Department who investigate 100 million heroin stealing. This movie has been preferred since it presented a lot of swear words used in the police and criminals environment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI