Research Method Research SourceObject


E. Research Procedure

There were several steps the researcher followed in conducting the research such as deciding the research problems, reviewing the literature of the problem, determining the research approach and method, selecting data collection, analyzing the data, interpreting the result and composing the thesis. The first step was deciding the research problems. In this step, the researcher tried to formulate the questions coming from the researcher’s curiosity and interest related to language. The researcher mostly searched the data from the internet and the information from the Bad Boys II movie. In the next step, the researcher reviewed the literature of the problem. It was conducted to gain more knowledge about the topic. The researcher read several journals and modules to be more confident in mastering the theories related to the research. Afterwards, the researcher chose the theories which were appropriate to be used in the research. After reviewing the literature of the problem, the researcher decided the research approach: pragmatic. The research used the qualitative method to get the detailed and deeper information about the topic. The next step was the most challenging process. In this step, the researcher did data triangulation: to analyze the data using the theories which had been chosen, to make the theories as the bases, and to interpret the findings and conclude the results in a narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the researcher also concluded the results from the data which had been analyzed. This part presented the conclusion whether the research questions were best answered 30 or not. Having fulfilled the stages of the procedures above, the researcher should report the results in expositional explanation since the research was a qualitative research. 31


This chapter aims to present the result of the study, which had been analyzed in the ways explained in methodology. There are two sections which mention and discuss the findings in the purpose of answering the research questions. The first section presents the kinds of swear words found in Bad Boys II to answer the first research question. Meanwhile, to answer the research question number two, the second section elaborates the way Mike expresses the swear words in Bad Boys II movie. The data were collected from the Bad Boys II movie transcript.

A. The Kinds of Swear Words Uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II

Movie In finding the kinds of swear words found in Bad Boys II movie, the researcher used the theory of Jay 1992. Referring to Jay 1992, there are several kinds of swear words such as cursing, profanity, blasphemy, taboo or obscenity, vulgarity, epithets, insult and slurs, and scatology.

1. Cursing

The first kind of swear words found in Bad Boys II movie was cursing. As stated in Chapter II, Jay 1992 defines cursing as the intention to evoke harm on another person through the use of certain words or phrases which obtains power to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI