Cursing The Kinds of Swear Words Uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II

35 Mike : “I’ll hot this fool.” Marcus : “Calm down” 00.07.05-00.08.00 This dialogue is about Mike who gets angry because Marcus is caught by one of the culprits. The culprit points his head with a gun. Mike is trying to save Marcus by threatening and pointing them with a gun too. He keeps showing his power as a police officer in front of the culprits. There is “incinerating trash” uttered by Mike to the culprits. That is included into taboo or obscenities because it looks down on someone as if they are like “trash”. There are motherfuckers and this fool too which are used to address the culprits. Motherfucker is considered sexual terms which is not normally used to call someone and it is also an offensive word. This fool also becomes an offensive phrase when it is used to name someone because it makes himher afflicted. 7 Mike : What the fuck What are you doing, man? Marcus : That’s my bad. 00.34.08-00.34.11 The dialogue above takes place in the scene when Marcus shoots Mike’s car dashboard accidentally. Mike is surprised and angry because it is his favorite expensive car. Then, he swears “What the fuck” which is considered taboo or obscene sentence. There is four-letter-word “fuck” in the sentence which is a sexual term. It is not usually used in general public since its meaning is copulation. 8 Marcus : “I’m just trying to help, okay?” Mike : “You know what’d be fucking helpful, Marcus? Just shut the fuck up and let me drive. Let’s try that. ” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 00.35.34-00.35.39 This conversation between Mike and Marcus takes place when they fight each other in the car. Marcus is afraid of Mike who drives his car at high speed. This really disturbs Mike’s concentration so he swore at Marcus. “Fucking helpful ” is a phrase which is not normally used in the society since “fucking”, the modifier, is related to sexual term. It is considered taboo or obscene. “Shut the fuck up ” contains “fuck” although it is used in different part of speech as the sentence before. 9 Mike : “Dan Marino should definitely buy this car. But not his one. I’m fucking this one up but definitely one like this. ” 01.25.28-01.25.35 The obscene word is also found in this monologue. This is about Mike’s awe toward Dan Marino’s car which he borrowed to chase the mission target. However, he uses fucking in his sentence categorized as obscenity. It is still in this category because it also has sexual term in its meaning.

4. Vulgarity

The fourth kind of swear words found in Bad Boys II Movie is vulgarity. Jay 1992 states that vulgar is generally used, applied or accepted in the society so that they have an understanding in ordinary sense. He also states that it has sense of or relating to common people and lack of cultivation in use. To be vulgar is to be common, not necessarily bad or evil Jay, 1992. There are three examples below considered as vulgarity: 10 Mike : “That one puckered up my butthole.” 37 Marcus : “Almost fucking crushed my head.” 00.36.12-00.36.14 The dialog between Mike and Marcus above is about the scene when they are in a gun war with the Haitian Blondy. Many bullets are shot to them and they could keep avoiding. However, several bullets almost hit them. “My butthole” in the sentence uttered by Mike below is considered vulgarity because it has common or ordinary sense as it means. It is generally used and understood in the society as vulgar word. 11 Mike: “Holler, on your boy. Twenty-one thousands? What? Oh Kiss my black ass. It was dashboard. ” 00.42.13-00.42.25 The utterances above is about Mike’s conversation with the stuff of repair shop after the incident of chasing Haitian Blondy. He is talking about the damage on the dashboard which is accidentally caused by Marcus. He gets surprised because the new dashboard cost so expensive. “Kiss my black ass” is classified as a type of vulgarity because it has common or ordinary sense as it means. It is commonly known as “kissing his Mike’s black butt” to respond what he heard. 12 Mike : “Like what am I gonna do with these big-ass dead tities? ” Marcus : “But you’re looking, though.” Mike : “There’s something wrong with your brain.” Marcus : “Just cover the tities.” Mike : “Goddamn” 01.41.30-01.41.37