Research Objectives Research Benefits

6 2 What are the functions of the questions asked by the teachers? 3 How do the students respond to the questions?

D. Research Objectives

This research is aimed to identify the types of questions that are used in the EFL classroom. Therefore, it is important to examine what kinds of questions are used to devise a communicative classroom. That is an EFL classroom that helps students acquires the target language better, so they can interact with one another using the target language. Since every question serves a different function in language learning, this research also examines the reason why certain questions are asked in the classroom. It happens because typically a teacher has no specific intention to ask a certain question other than to check students’ learning comprehension. That is because most of the questions are intended to identify a superficial understanding of the material. The last reason why this study is conducted is to explore students’ responses toward teacher questions to examine whether they give the intended answers or not. In a classroom setting, students typically respond to a teacher’s question superficially. They do not give an answer that is provoked by the critical thinking process. By analyzing the responses the students give, the researcher will know which questions are suitable to use in order to encourage students’ critical thinking process.

E. Research Benefits

This research has theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, teaching and questioning have been viewed as integrally related activities Beatty, Gerace, 7 leonard, and Dufresne 2006 . This research will benefit teachers in the context of effective teaching and learning. In order to be an effective teacher, one must be an effective questioner. One way to teach effectively is by recognizing that questioning serves various functions and creates a different level of thinking. Some questions require only a superficial understanding, while others cause students to go beyond memory and use other thought processes in forming an answer. By learning different kinds of questions and the different functions they serve, it is a crucial step in being able to use all types of questions effectively. Practically, this research will benefit teachers to have a well-planned lesson. In the planning stages, teachers need to prepare materials that meet the objectives of the lesson. By doing so, teachers can prepare questions which completely analyze the content of lessons and engage students in active interactions during classroom participation. 9