31 ended and closed-ended questions which are prepared and administered. It was designed to measure the validity of the data gained through videotape. In the questionnaires, I asked some questions that are closed-ended and some that are open-ended. The open-ended responses, however, permit me to explore reasons for the closed-ended responses and identify any comments people might have that are beyond the responses to the closed-ended questions. The drawback of this approach is that I will have many responses, some short and some long to analyze Creswell, 2012.

D. Data Analysis

To analyze the data document of teachers’ questions,, I have completed the following steps. First, for the videotaping, I put the data into computer files and filed folders after transcribing the raw data into text. The second step was related to codes, themes, or categories. Miles and Huberman 1994, as cited in Mukminin, 2012:56 wrote, “Coding is analysis”; and Creswell 2012 states that coding is a process of marking content of data usually text data with symbols, descriptive words, or categories. I then read all transcriptions and started to code the data that was related to the research questions. I then listed all the code words and grouped similar codes. After that, themes were obtained by grouping similar codes that always appear during the research. To answer the first research question related to the types of teachers’ questions, I coded each question into display and referential question. The analysis of the results was presented as of percentage and frequency by tabulating the data in direction of the categories determined. It was to quantify the frequency of which type of question used at the most. Next, to answer the function of the 32 classroom questioning, it will be analyzed according to Brown and Wragg’s 1993 function of questioning, which is checking learners’ understanding, eliciting information, controlling the classroom, arousing interest and curiosity concerning a topic, focusing attention on a particular issue of concept, developing an active approach to learning, and stimulating students to ask questions of themselves and others. In order to analyze the students’ responses, I would simply analyze the responses the students give to the teachers’ questions based on three categories, which are whether or not they give the intended answers, the way they respond to the teachers’ questions, and the number of words they produce in answering the questions regarding the question type. The analysis is not on the students’ physical responses because it does not give significant result to the students language learning.

E. Data Validation and Reliability