Incomplete Verbal Questions Complete Pronominal Questions

38 previous week’s topic, to check students’ knowledge on a certain topic being discussed, and to direct students’ attention to classroom activities.

2. Incomplete Verbal Questions

The table 4.1 illustrates that from 159 display questions asked by the teacher, there was1 0,62 incomplete verbal questions. Incomplete verbal question is the questions asked as the continuation of complete verbal question. Those questions were posed only in class A. The question was to transfer the meaning from English into Indonesian at the word level as in In Indonesian … is?. When asking this question, the teacher raised her intonation and the students knew that the sentence the teacher mentioned required an answer.

3. Complete Pronominal Questions

The table illustrates that for complete pronominal question, there were 78 49.05 questions raised and the distributions were various in each class. There were 12 questions posed in class A. Two questions served as a lead-in part of the lesson about animals as in Wherecan you find a wild animal? Or Where do you find a tame animal? Two questions were given to transfer the meaning from English into Indonesian as in What is the meaning of a tame animal? What is a monkey? The other 9 questions were meant to gage students’ understanding of the topic. It was seen when the teacher provided a picture of an animal and asked the students to answer some questions related to the picture. The questions were:What kind of animal is this? What is the name of this animal?How many legs does this animal have? There were also questions that were raised after the teacher read a description and characteristics of a certain animal. For example, Itcan swim in a river. What is the name? Or, Based on the text, how many puppies are in the text? 39 Different from class A, the data from class B shows that there were 16 complete pronominal questions delivered. Some questions were asked to review the previous week’s topic as in What is the workplace of a teacher? How about a doctor? Some other questions were posed to check students’ knowledge of the function of each part of the body. For example, What is the part of the body that you use for holding something? What organ do you use for tasting food? There were also questions that required students’ non-linguistic reactions like pointing at the part of the body asked by the teacher. For example, Where is your foot? or Where is your hair? The results in class D showed that there were 23 complete pronominal questions posed to students. Still, there were questions conveyed to review the previous week’s lesson as in What organ do you use for seeing something? Some others were asked to check students’ knowledge of the meaning of certain English words in Indonesian. For example, What is the meaning of a job or profession in Indonesian language? Or workplace, what is that?Other questions were asked to get students’ answers about a job and its responsibilities, workplace, and function of certain medical tools. For example, What is the workplace of students? Christin, what is the responsibility of a teacher? What is the function of a stethoscope? Here the teacher intentionally called Christin’s name to make sure that she was really paying attention to the discussion. As for class E, most of the questions asked were complete pronominal questions. There were 26 questions. In the lesson, the teacher asked some questions to check students’ understanding of certain English words in Indonesian. For example, What is the meaning of health? What is the meaning of 40 a pediatrician in Indonesian language? Some other questions were put forth to check students’ knowledge of certain professions dealing with health as in, Whatkinds of problems does a pediatrician deal with? Other questions were given to check students’ knowledge of vocabulary items. For example, If we get a skin disease, where should we go? How about an internal organ problem? To briefly summarize, complete pronominal questions occurred more frequently than complete verbal questionsin terms of the distribution of those questions. Complete pronominal questions were asked mostly in every class, whereas complete verbal questions were found mostly in class A. However, those two questions served the same purposes as they had been asked.

4. Incomplete Pronominal Questions