Phrase Questions Indonesian-English Mixed Questions

41 expected the students to understand that what she really meant was What organ do you use for walking?

5. One-Word Questions

Referring to Table 4.2.1, one-word questions were found 6 3.77 times asked by the teacher. It was found four times in class A, once in class B, and once in class D. All the questions were in the word Next? This question served the same purpose which was to gain students’ oral answers about the picture provided by the teacher, or when they were discussing a certain exercise. In asking such questions, the teacher raised her intonation to signal that she was asking questions to the students. By doing this, she expected answer form the students. Naturally, the students knew that when the teacher said next?, she required responses from the students. Thus even one single word which is said by raising intonation can be considered as a question since it also requires an answer.

6. Phrase Questions

The term phrase question is used to cover questions which have more than one word but do not have a subject and verb or any question words like “who”, “what”, “how”, “when”, and “where”. Some of these questions consist of two words, and some others have three or more. When asking these questions, the teacher raised her intonation to signal that she was questioning the students. Overall, there were 20 phrase questions posed to the students during the lesson time. The distribution of these questions was in class A and class B. In class A, there were 4 questions asked in the form of a phrase. All the questions were asked in the middle of the lesson to check students’ answers about the exercise. The questions were asked by having them mention the name of the 42 picture given to them. For example, The next picture? The next, number 4?Number 5? The same questions occurred in class B. There were 16 questions that had no grammatical form of a question but expected a response from the students. It was found in the questions, Number 1? Number 3?Then, some questions had even more than three words as in Number 4 you smell with it? Or,Number 7 you wear a watch on it?

7. Indonesian-English Mixed Questions

The results of the videotaped transcriptionsreveal that while teaching, the teacher sometimes mixed her language in asking questions. It happened only in class A. There were 9 instances of this type of question 5.66. In this section, some questions were asked to transfer the meaning from English to Indonesian and vice versa. For example, Wild animal itu apa? Male ini artinya apa?Apa itu physical characteristic?Pet disebut juga binatang?. One question was asked to redirect students to correct their answer as in No. Binatang? This happened when the teacher asked about the meaning of a wild animal and the students started to answer anything they could guess about the word “wild” and they gave the wrong answer. The teacher asked this question by raising her intonation to signal to her students that they gave her the wrong answer and they needed to find the correct meaning of the word “wild”. Thus, these questions deal with a transfer of meaning and fixing incorrect answers.

8. Pure Indonesian Questions