Checking Learners’ Understanding Result 1. The Type of Question

47 Table 4.3: Functions of Questions Functions of Questions 1. Check learners’ understanding 2. Elicit information 3. Control the classroom 4. Arouse interest and curiosity concerning a topic 5. Focus attention on a particular issue or concept 6. Develop an active approach to learning 7. Stimulate students to ask questions of themselves and others Taken from Brown and Wragg, 1993. Here, I analyze the functions of teachers’ questions based on the types of questions. There are the functions of display questions and the functions of referential questions. Number 1-5 serve as the functions of display questions, whereas numbers 6-7 serve as the functions of referential questions. The first analysis in this section starts from the functions of display questions.

a. Functions of Display Questions

This section discuss about function of asking display question. It is divided into checking learners understanding, arousing interest and curiosity concerning a topic, focusing attention on a particular issue or concept, and controlling classroom. Each function will be presented accordingly in every class.

1. Checking Learners’ Understanding

Since display questions are ones in which the asker already knows the answer, the first function of a display question is to check learners’ understanding. The understanding is related to the subject matter, of what is being learned about a certain topic. In this research, the students in class A learned about animals. They already knew about the kinds of animals and their places to live. Many of the teachers’ questions served this first function. It is presented in the table below. 48 Table 4.4: Checking Learners’ Understanding Class A No. Question Students’ Responses 1. Ok, please mention the name of this animal? Dog. 2. What kind of animal is this? Lizard. 3. Ok, next… Bee. 4. Next? Tiger 5. Next? Duck, dog, kodok 6. Now, please mention the name of picture number 1? … 7. What is the name of this animal? … 8. The next picture? Horse. 9. The next, what is the name of this animal? Lion 10. The next, number 4? … 11. Number five? Bear. 12. Six? … 13. Ok, please mention the name based on the description? Horse, zebra, lion. 14. How many legs does this animal have? Four, empat. 15. What is the name of this animal? Monkey. 16. It can swim in a river. What is the name? … 17. Based on the text, how many puppies are in the text? Four. 18. What is its name? Robin, Rubby, Oscar, and students Giggle 19. The next puppy? Oscar 20. What is the color of Oscar’s ribbon? … The table shows that from the 30 display questions posed to students during the class, there were 22 66.7 questions asked to check the learners’ understanding. The lesson learned in class A was about animals. The students learned the types of animals which were wild animals and tame animals. There were questions about the names of animals as students were given pictures of animals. Here they were asked questions like Please mention the name of this animal? What kind of animal is this? Another question asked to check students’ understanding of the lesson was related to the physical appearance of the animal. 49 Students were given a description of a certain animal, and they were asked to mention the name of that animal. For example, Ít can swim in a river. What is its name?How many legs does this animal have? The next table presents a list of questions that served as tool to check the learners’ understanding in class B. Table 4.5: Checking Learners’ Understanding Class B No. Question Students’ Responses 1. What organ do you use for tasting food? … 2. For seeing something? Eyes 3. For holding something? Hand, nose, ears, shoulder 4. For walking or running? Foot 5. Number 1? Eyebrow 6. Number 2? Lip 7. Number 3? … 8. Number 4? … 9. Number 5? Moustache 10. Number 6? Chin 11. Number 7? Tongue 12. Number 8? Teeth 13. Number 9? … 14. Number 10? Ear 15. What is your answer? … 16. Number 3? … 17. Number 4 you close it when you sleep? Eye 18. Number 5? Eyebrow 19. Number 6 you smell with it? Hidung 20. Number 7 you wear watch on it? Wrist 21. The last number? … 22. Can you mention a kind of job? Teacher, doctor, nurse, students 23. What is the workplace of a teacher? School 24. How about a doctor? Hospital 26. What is the responsibility of a teacher? Teach students 27. And a driver? Car 50 The lesson discussed in class B was parts of the human body and their functions. There were 27 65.85 questions asked to check students’ understanding. The teacher began to ask the functions of certain parts of the body as in What organ do you use for tasting food? What organ do you use for seeing something? What organ do you use for holding something? After that, students were given pictures of the human body and they were asked to name each part of the body. The teacher posed questions like Number 1? Number 2?And so on. There were also questions asked when the teacher mentioned the function of a certain part of the body. For example, Number 4, you close it when you sleep? And Number 6, you smell with it? Thus, it is clear that by asking those questions, the teacher wanted to check whether the students really understood what was learned that day. Another list of questions that served the same function is presented in the table below. Table 4.6: Checking Learners’ Understanding Class D No. Question Students’ Responses 1. Can you mention the name of a part of your body? Hair, ears 2. The next? Eyes 3. What organ do you use for seeing something? Eyes 4. What organ do you use for hearing something? Ears 5. What organ do you use for tasting something? Tongue, mouth 6. What organ do you use for holding something? Hand 7. Ok Christin, do you understand what I mean? quiet The seven 24.1 questions above were asked to review the previous material learned by the students. They were asked at the beginning of the class. These questions were posed to check the learners’ understanding of the lesson taught in the previous meeting. There was no time to deliver that day’s lesson because at the time, the teacher had only 45’ teaching time from 90’ where she 51 was supposed to teach. Thus, she spent the rest of her time in the questioning and answering session. Moreover, in class E, there were 31 display questions asked to the students. All the questions functioned to check the learners’ understanding of the lesson. Here, the teacher gave the students an exercise to work on. The exercise was about medical equipment and kinds of medical experts. The questions function as a tool to check the learners’ understanding of that lesson. The list of questions can be seen in the table below. Table 4.7: Checking Learners’ Understanding Class E No. Question Students’ Responses 1. What is the meaning of health? Kesehatan 2. What is the meaning of pediatrician in Indonesian language? Ahlianak 3. What does a pediatrician deal with? Children 4. Nutritionist. What is the meaning of it? Ahligizi 5. What does a nutritionist deal with? Lack of food and vitamins answered by the teacher 6. What is the meaning of internist? Ahlipenyakitdalam? 7. And what does the person deal with? Internal organ 8. What about neurologists. What do they deal with? Neuro problem 9. What does a psychiatrist deal with? Mental illness 10. What do dermatologists deal with? Skin disease 11. What problem does an optician deal with? Eye problem 12. What do cardiologists deal with? Heart problem 13. What problem does a dentist deal with? Teeth 14. If we get a skin disease, where should we go? Dermatologists 15. If we have eye problems, where should we go? Optician 16. If we have teeth problems, where should we go? Dentist 17. If we have an internal organ problem, where should we go? Internist 18. If we have a lack of food and vitamins, where should we go? Nutritionist 52 19. If we have a problem with our neuro, where should we go? Neurologists Students work on exercise. Ok, we start from number 1. 20. It is used to measure a patient’s temperature? Thermometer 21. She helps the doctor in taking care of the patients. She is a …? Nurse 22. Who is a nurse? … 23. It is a kind of occupation. It deals with a toothache? Dentist 24. Who is a dentist? … 25. It is to inject a patient. What is that? Suntik 26. It is a kind of device used to detect detak jantung? Stethoscope 27. What is a stethoscope? … 28. What is the name of this medical tool? Stethoscope 29. What is the function of a stethoscope? … 30. What is the name of this medical tool? Injection 31. What is the function? … The teacher tailored the questions above when she gave the lesson about animals, parts of the body, and medical equipment. The purpose of the questions was to check the students’ understanding. It is because the teacher wanted to test the students’ understanding of each topic by asking related questions about what she had explained previously. All the questions asked information related to the worksheet the teacher discussed with the students. For some incorrect answers, the teacher was open-minded and gave them positive responses to their answers. In the end, although the students’ answers were not perfectly true, the teacher still appreciated them. 53

2. Arousing Interest and Curiosity Concerning a Topic