opmnctl usage opmnctl validate

4-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide Using OPMN 5-1 5 Using OPMN This chapter provides command-line examples on how to use OPMN for Oracle Fusion Middleware. It features the following topics: ■ Starting OPMN ■ Starting and Stopping All System Components ■ Starting and Stopping a System Component ■ Starting and Stopping all System Components of the Same Type

5.1 Starting OPMN

OPMN does not depend on any other system component being up and running before it can be started and used. The OPMN server should be started as soon as possible after turning on the host. Use the following command to start OPMN without starting other system components: opmnctl start

5.2 Starting and Stopping All System Components

Use the following command to start all system components of an Oracle instance: opmnctl startproc Use the following command to stop all system components of an Oracle instance: opmnctl stopproc

5.3 Starting and Stopping a System Component

Use the following command to start a system component named ohs1: opmnctl startproc ias-component=ohs1 Use the following command to stop a system component named ohs1: opmnctl stopproc ias-component=ohs1 5-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide

5.4 Starting and Stopping all System Components of the Same Type

Use the following command to start all system components of the type OID in an Oracle instance: opmnctl startproc process-type=OID Use the following command to stop all system components of the type OID in an Oracle instance: opmnctl stopproc process-type=OID opmn.xml Common Configuration 6-1 6 opmn.xml Common Configuration This chapter provides common configuration examples, and descriptions of elements and attributes for the OPMN opmn.xml file. It contains the following topics: ■ Example of opmn.xml Elements and Attributes ■ opmn.xml Element and Attribute Descriptions

6.1 Example of opmn.xml Elements and Attributes

Example 6–1 shows all possible elements and attributes that may appear in an opmn.xml file that are not specific to any system components.

6.1.1 Global Definitions and Syntax

All paths, module data values, and environment values may reference the following global variables, which is expanded to their platform specific values: Each of the variables defined above must be referenced using the same syntax as an environment variable in Linux or Windows. For example any of these references, ORACLE_HOME, {ORACLE_HOME}, or ORACLE_HOME yields the full path to ORACLE_HOME . OPMN also automatically converts path separators in any path, module data value, or environment value based upon the platform on which OPMN is running. For example, oracleinstancesias1 would remain the same on Linux, but on Microsoft Windows OPMN would convert it to \oracle\instances\ias1. Table 6–1 Global Variables and Definitions Global Variable Definition ORACLE_HOME Full path to ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_INSTANCE Full path to ORACLE_INSTANCE : The library path or class path separator : on Linux or ; on Microsoft Windows, for example. EXE_EXT The executable file extension on Linux or .exe on Microsoft Windows, for example SO_EXT The shared library extension .so on Linux or .dll on Microsoft Windows, for example SHELL_EXT The shell file extension .sh on Linux or .bat on Microsoft Windows, for example