Starting and Stopping all System Components of the Same Type

6-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide OPMN uses the character as an escape character to disable path separator conversion for the following character, and so always yields in the parsed string. Two characters yields a single . Example 6–1 Common Configuration Elements and Attributes opmn log path=path comp=comp-codes rotation=-size=kBytes rotation-hour=HOD debug =path comp=comp-codes rotation-size=kBytes rotation-hour=HOD notification-server interface=type ipaddr remote=ip; ip request=ip; ip port local=port remote=port reqest=port ssl enabled=boolean wallet-file=path wallet-password=password openssl-certfile=path openssl-keyfile=path open openssl-password=password openssl-lib=path tune io-timeout=timeout io-idle=interval timeout=timeout notification-server process-manager insecure-remote-requests=boolean process-modules module path=path tag=tag-id status=state cron=interval module-data category id=id data id=id value=value process-conversion=boolean category module-data module-id id=module-id module process-modules ias-instance = id=ias-instance-name name=ias-instance-name ORACLE_HOME=path environment variable id=id value=value append=boolean process-conversion=boolean environment -- module-data -- ias-component id=component-id id-matching=boolean status=state -- environment-- -- module-data-- dependencies database db-connect-info=connect infrastructure-key=keytimeout=depend-timeout cache-timeout=cache-timeout OID address=address infrastructure=boolean timeout=depend-timeout cache-timeout=cache-timeout ssl enabled=boolean wallet-file=path wallet-password=password OID OSSO host=hostname port=port URI=uri timeout=depend-timeout cache-timeout=cache-timeout ssl enabled=boolean wallet-file=path wallet-password=password OSSO managed-process ias-instance=ias-instance-id ias-component=ias-component-id process-type=process-type-id process-set=process-set-id autostart=boolean autostop=boolean timeout=depend-timeoutcache-timeout=cache-timeout dependencies process-type=process-type-id module-id=module-id status=state working-dir=path -- environment-- -- module-data-- -- dependencies-- event-scripts pre-start path=path pre-stop path=path post-crash path=path opmn.xml Common Configuration 6-3 event-scripts start timeout=timeout retry=num stop timeout=timeout restart timeout=timeout retry=num ping timeout=timeout retry=num interval=interval port id=id range=range process-set id=process-set-id restart-on-death=boolean numprocs=num minprocs=min maxprocs=max status=state working-dir=path parallel-requests=boolean -- environment -- -- module-data-- -- dependencies-- -- event-scripts-- -- start:-- -- stop-- -- restart-- -- ping-- -- port-- process-set process-type ias-component ias-instance launch-targets launch-target id=id exec path=path argument value=argument timeout value=seconds max-concurrency value=number launch-target launch-targets process-manager opmn

6.2 opmn.xml Element and Attribute Descriptions

This section describes the elements and attributes in the opmn.xml file that are not specific to any system components. This section also provides attribute descriptions of the elements. opmn Required: true Default: none Parents: none Attributes: none opmn is the top-level element in the opmn.xml file. log Required: false Default: see attributes Parents: opmn Attributes: path, comp, rotation-size, rotation-hour The configuration definitions for the OPMN log mechanism. path=path Required: true