opmnctl query Status Commands

4-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide createcomponent - Create a specified component deleteinstance - Delete an instance and components deletecomponent - Delete a specified component registerinstance - Register with admin server unregisterinstance - Unregister with admin server updateinstanceregistration - Update instance registration updatecomponentregistration - Update component registration opmnctl usage

Syntax: opmnctl usage [command] The usage command displays help for any one specified opmnctl command. With no argument the opmnctl usage command displays the same information as opmnctl help. The command can be one or more of the following: ■ start ■ startall ■ startproc ■ stopall ■ stopproc ■ restartproc ■ reload ■ shutdown ■ ping ■ status ■ metric ■ dmsdump ■ debug ■ set ■ query ■ launch ■ phantom ■ ping ■ validate ■ help ■ usage ■ createinstance ■ createcomponent ■ deleteinstance ■ deletecomponent ■ registerinstance ■ unregisterinstance opmnctl Commands 4-27 ■ updateinstanceregistration ■ updatecomponentregistration ■ help For example, enter the following command to receive the output shown in Example 4–7 : opmnctl usage stopall Example 4–7 opmnctl usage stopall output opmnctl stopall [sequential=true] [report=true] Stop opmn daemon and managed processes for local Oracle instance. This request first tries to stop all managed processes gracefully. Processes which will not stop gracefully will be forcefully shutdown. After stopping all managed processes, the opmn daemon will shutdown itself. This request should only be performed when it is necessary to stop the opmn daemon. Once started, the opmn daemon should remain up until it is necessary to restart the computer or some other rare administrative event occurs. To stop all managed processes without stopping the opmn daemon, consider using the stopproc command without any target arguments. If the value of the sequential attribute is true, each process will be stopped upon sequentially one at a time. If the value of the report attribute is true, opmn will report the results of the attempt to stop each processes as it completes. The default behavior is for opmn to wait until the entire request has completed before sending all of the results at once. To restart the opmn daemon without restarting any managed processes, consider using the reload command. The reload command is the appropriate command to use when the only goal is to restart the opmn daemon with a new configuration. This request operates synchronously and will wait for the operation to complete before returning. opmnctl validate

Syntax: opmnctl validate [filename] The opmnctl validate command validates the XML syntax of the opmn.xml file. The default ORACLE_INSTANCEconfigOPMNopmnopmn.xml is validated when ORACLE_INSTANCE binopmnctl is used. The filename can be specified by either the relative or absolute path.