opmnctl Command Quick Reference

4-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide The target attributes of ias-instance, ias-component, process-type, and process-set may be specified in a hierarchical manner, with an ias-instance, a single ias-component within that ias-instance, a single process-type within the ias-component, and a single process-set within the process-type. Any of these attributes may be omitted, and treated as a wildcard process-set is omitted, for example, then all process-sets under the specified process-type matches the request. The target attributes may also be specified in a list of a single hierarchical type a list of ias-components, for example. Table 4–2 opmnctl Attribute Names and Values Attribute Name Attribute Values ias-instance Value should be the same as the value for the id attribute for the ias-instance element in the opmn.xml file. ias-component Value should be the same as the value for the id attribute for the ias-component element in the opmn.xml file. process-type Value should be the same as the value for the id attribute for the process-type element in the opmn.xml file. process-set Value should be the same as the value for the id attribute for the process-set element in the opmn.xml file. mode Value can either be sync or async. The default value is sync, meaning that this request operates synchronously, and waits for the operation to complete before returning. async indicates that the request returns immediately, while OPMN continues to perform the request until the operation finishes. timeout This can only be specified in sync mode. The value is in seconds. After this timeout expires, OPMN does not continue to perform the request for startproc operations. The request does continue for restartproc and stopproc operations. The timeout attribute overrides the configured timeout value for the request to take for each ias-instance, ias-component, process-type, and process-set value. uniqueid This value is assigned by OPMN after starting up. You can use this value when you execute the opmnctl restartproc and opmnctl stopproc commands. sequential If the value of the sequential attribute is true, each process or application targeted by the request is acted upon sequentially one at a time. The request order of affected managed-process dependencies is honored. report If the value of the report attribute is true, OPMN reports the results of each part of the request as it completes as each process starts, for example. The default behavior is for OPMN to wait until the entire request has completed before sending all of the results at once. Note: If Oracle Internet Directory is managed by OPMN and an Oracle Internet Directory dependency not a managed-process dependency for Oracle Internet Directory is encountered as part of the request, and the request is expected to start both Oracle Internet Directory processes such as an opmnctl startall request, the Oracle Internet Directory process will not start unless it has been configured in the opmn.xml file previously. Otherwise, the request times out with an Oracle Internet Directory dependency failure. opmnctl Commands 4-5 Verbose

Syntax: opmnctl verbose command The opmnctl verbose option enables you to obtain detailed information about the command you are executing. For example, the following command outputs the information shown in Example 4–2 : prompt opmnctl verbose startproc ias-component=ohs1 Example 4–2 opmnctl verbose output opmnctl startproc: starting opmn managed processes... HTTP1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 661 Content-Type: texthtml Response: 1 of 1 processes started. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=WINDOWS-1252? response opmn id=stapk08:6704 http-status=200 http-response=1 of 1 processes started. ias-instance id=instance1 ias-component id=ohs1 process-type id=OHS process-set id=OHS process id=1792746301 pid=5106 status=Alive index=1 log=scratchlbottlemproduct11.1.1as 1instancesinstance1diagnosticslogsOHSohs1console~OHS~1.log operation=request result=success msg code=0 text= msg process process-set process-type ias-component ias-instance opmn response

4.3.2 Server Control Commands

The opmnctl start, startall, reload, stopall, and shutdown commands enable you to control the OPMN server. ■ Server Control Commands on Microsoft Windows ■ opmnctl start ■ opmnctl startall ■ opmnctl stopall ■ opmnctl shutdown ■ opmnctl reload See Also: Chapter 5 for OPMN command-line examples