Component Specific Arguments Commands that target a single component can

4-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide Please note that the -force option circumvents most pre-validation checks. Therefore, Oracle recommends using the -force option with caution. An example is shown in section Force deleteinstance . Force deleteinstance The deleteinstance command operates in a forced mode if the option -force true is included in the command. When used, this option directs opmnctl to proceed with the operation regardless of warnings and errors detected for the Oracle instance. Because the Oracle instance may be in a bad or non-responsive state, Oracle recommends explicitly providing non-required values that are associated and appropriate for the Oracle instance for example, -instanceName, -adminHost, -adminPort to ensure that the proper values are used. During the course of cleanup, the forced deleteinstance command displays warnings and exceptions consistent with the damaged state of the Oracle instance. These warnings and exceptions are provided as visual feedback for the inconsistencies encountered and do not necessarily indicate that further corrective action is needed. For example: opmnctl deleteinstance -force true -instanceName instance1 -adminHost myadminserver -adminPort 7001 or opmnctl deleteinstance -force true -instanceName instance1 deletecomponent The deletecomponent command deletes a system

component. The deletecomponent command uses the following arguments: ■ Adminserver ■ Logging ■ Oracle Instance ■ -componentName : The system component name. For example: opmnctl deletecomponent -componentName ohs1 registerinstance The registerinstance command switches the Oracle

instance to a registered state and updates the Adminserver value. The registerinstance command uses the following arguments: ■ Adminserver ■ Logging ■ Oracle Instance For example: opmnctl registerinstance -adminHost myhostname -adminPort 8000 unregisterinstance The unregisterinstance command switches the Oracle

instance to a non-registered state and updates the Adminserver value.