createcomponent The createcomponent command creates a component

opmnctl Commands 4-17 For example: opmnctl unregisterinstance The unregisterinstance command uses the following arguments: ■ Adminserver ■ Logging ■ Oracle Instance ■ -force : directs the opmnctl unregisterinstance command to proceed regardless of discrepancies in the Oracle instance. This option is only enabled with a value of true. The default value is false. Please note that the -force option circumvents most pre-validation checks. Therefore, Oracle recommends using the -force option with caution. An example is shown in section Forced unregisterinstance Forced unregisterinstance The unregisterinstance command can operate in a forced mode when the option -force true is included. This option directs opmnctl unregisterinstance to unregister the Oracle instance but limits the scope of these changes exclusively to the Adminserver. In other words, it unregisters an Oracle instance name from the Adminserver without examining or interacting with an Oracle instance except optionally for writing to the provision.log file. This mode can readily break registration associations. For example, executing this command with the name of a operational registered Oracle instance would put Adminserver and the Oracle instance out of synchronization. Afterward, the Adminserver no longer lists the Oracle instance or associated system components; however, in this example, the Oracle instance would still be configured as registered and but would fail most provisioning commands. Therefore, Oracle recommends using the -force option with caution. For example: opmnctl unregisterinstance -force true -instanceName instance1 -adminHost myadminserver -adminPort 7001 updateinstanceregistration The updateinstanceregistration command

updates information registered on the Adminserver for the Oracle instance. Specifically, the updateinstanceregistration command updates the registered OPMN remote port, OPMN remote host and OPMN wallet from the current OPMN settings. The updateinstanceregistration command uses the following arguments: ■ Adminserver ■ Logging ■ Oracle Instance For example: opmnctl updateinstanceregistration 4-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide updatecomponentregistration The updatecomponentregistration

command updates settings registered on the Adminserver for the subject system component. These settings include the component proxy port, component proxy wallet, component mbean properties and Fusion Middleware Control Console component properties, plus other values specific to the type of component. The updatecomponentregistration command uses the following arguments: ■ Adminserver ■ Logging ■ Oracle Instance ■ Component Specific Arguments ■ -componentName : the system component name For example: opmnctl updatecomponentregistration -componentName ohs1 -proxyPort 8889 ....

4.3.5 Status Commands

The opmnctl status commands enable you to determine the status of system component processes. This section describes the command options available with the opmnctl command. It includes the following sections: ■ opmnctl status ■ opmnctl metric ■ opmnctl dmsdump ■ opmnctl ping ■ opmnctl set ■ opmnctl query opmnctl status

Syntax: opmnctl status [options] The status command enables you to obtain information on the system processes managed by OPMN. The output is a text table. Each row in the table represents one system process. You can customize the status command in the following ways: ■ Change the information displayed about each system process ■ Remove the table headers from the output See Also: ■ Section for information about attributes ■ Section for information about the options for the status command of opmnctl ■ Section for information about the opmnctl status -port command