Scope Attributes Command Definitions

opmnctl Commands 4-5 Verbose

Syntax: opmnctl verbose command The opmnctl verbose option enables you to obtain detailed information about the command you are executing. For example, the following command outputs the information shown in Example 4–2 : prompt opmnctl verbose startproc ias-component=ohs1 Example 4–2 opmnctl verbose output opmnctl startproc: starting opmn managed processes... HTTP1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 661 Content-Type: texthtml Response: 1 of 1 processes started. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=WINDOWS-1252? response opmn id=stapk08:6704 http-status=200 http-response=1 of 1 processes started. ias-instance id=instance1 ias-component id=ohs1 process-type id=OHS process-set id=OHS process id=1792746301 pid=5106 status=Alive index=1 log=scratchlbottlemproduct11.1.1as 1instancesinstance1diagnosticslogsOHSohs1console~OHS~1.log operation=request result=success msg code=0 text= msg process process-set process-type ias-component ias-instance opmn response

4.3.2 Server Control Commands

The opmnctl start, startall, reload, stopall, and shutdown commands enable you to control the OPMN server. ■ Server Control Commands on Microsoft Windows ■ opmnctl start ■ opmnctl startall ■ opmnctl stopall ■ opmnctl shutdown ■ opmnctl reload See Also: Chapter 5 for OPMN command-line examples 4-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server Administrators Guide Output is not generated for the successful execution of an opmnctl server control command. Refer to Appendix B if you receive any error messages during opmnctl command execution. Server Control Commands on Microsoft Windows

On the Microsoft Windows operating system, OPMN is installed as a Windows service OracleOracleHomenameProcessManager and it starts up automatically when you restart your computer. When you start or stop OPMN using Microsoft Windows Services you start or stop all system components on the local Oracle instance. Use the Fusion Middleware Control Console and the opmnctl command line utility to start or stop system components. opmnctl start

Syntax: opmnctl start Use this command to start the OPMN server for a local Oracle instance without starting system processes. opmnctl startall

Syntax: opmnctl startall [timeout=seconds] Use this command to start OPMN as well as the system processes for a local Oracle instance. The startall is equivalent to the start command and the startproc command without arguments. Oracle recommends using the start or startproc command. This command operates synchronously and waits for the operation to complete before returning. To set a timeout for the request, specify the timeout value in seconds. Components with id-matching=true will not start. Enter the following command for additional detailed information: opmnctl usage startall On Microsoft Windows, you can also perform an opmnctl startall by starting the OracleOracleHomenameProcessManager service in the Windows services control panel. The OracleOracleHomenameProcessManager starts automatically when you start or restart your computer. opmnctl stopall

Syntax: opmnctl stopall Use the opmnctl stopall command to shut down the OPMN server as well as the system processes for the local Oracle instance. This request operates synchronously; it waits for the operation to complete before returning. Note: OPMN starts up automatically on Microsoft Windows when you start or restart your computer. All system component processes are also started. See Also: Chapter 5 for OPMN command-line examples opmnctl Commands 4-7 Shutting down the OPMN server is not necessary during normal operation. Shutting down the OPMN server prevents remote commands to OPMN from executing on the Oracle instance until OPMN is restarted. The opmnctl stopall command should only be executed prior to shutting down OPMN and your computer. This request first tries to stop all system components gracefully. Processes which will not stop gracefully is forcefully shutdown. After stopping all managed processes, the OPMN daemon shutdowns itself. The opmnctl stopall command should only be used when it is necessary to stop the OPMN daemon quickly in case of an emergency. Once started, the OPMN daemon should remain up until it is necessary to restart the computer or some other unforeseen administrative event occurs. To stop all system components without stopping the OPMN daemon, consider using the opmnctl stopproc command without any arguments. To restart the OPMN daemon without restarting any system components, consider using the opmnctl reload command. The opmnctl reload command is the appropriate command to use when the only goal is to restart the opmn daemon with a new configuration. Use the opmnctl stopproc command if you want to stop all system processes. Use the opmnctl reload if you want OPMN to reread its configuration. Enter one of the following commands to obtain additional information: opmnctl usage stopall or opmnctl usage shutdown opmnctl shutdown

Syntax: opmnctl shutdown Use the opmnctl shutdown command to shut down the OPMN server as well as the system processes for the local Oracle instance. The opmnctl shutdown command quickly shutdowns the OPMN daemon and system components for the local Oracle instance. The opmnctl shutdown command is similar to the opmnctl stopall command but waits less time before initiating a forceful termination of system components. After all of the system components are stopped, the OPMN daemon shutdowns itself. The opmnctl shutdown command should only be performed when it is necessary to stop the OPMN daemon. Once started, the OPMN daemon should remain up until it is necessary to restart the computer or some other unforeseen administrative event occurs. To stop all system components without stopping the OPMN daemon, consider using the opmnctl stopproc command without any arguments. To restart the OPMN daemon without restarting any system components, consider using the opmnctl reload command. The opmnctl reload command is the appropriate command to use when the objective is to restart the OPMN daemon with a new configuration.