In the consultation room At the apartment On the staircase At the restaurant

29. At the street

Rita: Go, for Christ sakes Green means Go. Sam: I dont like to go to shrinks. You and me both. Rita: Right or left? Which is it gonna be, bonehead? Right turn ahead. Right on Vermont? Thatll be another 20 minutes, you idiot Sam: Did your mommy make you go to a shrink, too? Rita: No. Well, sort of. Sam: I spent the whole time talking about her. Rita: Well, thats nice. Office. Phone machine: Dialing home. Rita: Office God damn it Sam: Youre going much faster than everybody else. I wonder if you noticed that, because I noticed that. Rita: Go Sam: No more shrinks. Im sorry, Mrs. Dawson... but if I were you, I wouldnt waste any more of my time. Sorry, Mrs. Dawson, but I think you should put Sam in a home. Sam in a home.

30. In the consultation room

Therapist: Mr. Dawson, you do understand... that since Im a court-appointed psychologist... the traditional client-therapist confidentiality...will be waived.Do you understand that? Sam: That the confidentiality will be waived. Therapist: Good. Lets begin. Sam: I went to a doctor one time who had an orange office. All the walls were painted orange. Do you know her? She has an orange office... and shes in Van Nuys. Therapist: I wanted to ask you about Lucy. How old is she now? Sam: Shes six. Shes seven. She just had a birthday, I think. Therapist: How was that party?

31. At the apartment

Phone machine: press the red button for record. Ifty: Lets start with the O.G.M. Brad: What? I dont know. Joe: I dont think its working. Robert: I think its because its a used machine. Brad: Its not used. Its pre-owned. A guy bought it for his auto shop... and then he got a secretary. Joe: Testing, 1, 2, 3. Sam: Thats a good code. I can remember that--1, 2, 3. Robert: 4, 5, 6. Ifty: 7, 8, 9. Brad: 9, 10, 1 1, 12. Ifty: Quick. Youre recording. Sam: Hi. This is-- Hi. This is Sam. Im not home. Brad: No, you really dont want to say that... because you dont want to tell them youre not home.

32. On the staircase

Sam: We have a lot to go over, and I have five minutes. Rothman, Glenn, Harrison, Williams... is on the 29th floor. Thats 29 floors up... and the elevators are actually over there. Rita: Keep up. Got to do my cardio. 120. Got to get to 125 to make it count. I need that list of names from you... people who can testify that youre a good father... despite your handicap. Just my husband. I didnt mean your handicap. I meant your disability. The fact that youre retarded-- thats not the right word. I dont know what to call you. Sam: Sam. You can call me Sam.

33. At the restaurant

Rita: I dont think you realize what youre up against. We have to be in court in three days... and we dont have a decent witness. Now, youve got to know someone who can testify... whos been to college... or has a degree of some kind... or has some way of expressing themselves... that will make the court believe you deserve... to get your daughter back. I need coffee. Big, tall. Sam: Tall is the smallest. Rita: Yeah, of course. Once you think of this person... and there has to be one person, call me at work. Because Im going back there now... to my seven other cases. What? Mrs. Robeck. Im on the 405. The traffic is horrible. Sam: You want this for here or to go? Rita: Dorothy? Sam: Oh, no. No. Tow truck is towing your car. Rita: Son of a bitch. Sam: Its towing your car. Rita: No, wait Stop Its my car. Stop.

34. In the apartment