At the apartment An Analysis Of The Five Language Styles Found In Sam’s Utterances In The “I Am Sam” Movie

even when you cant listen anymore. And its about love, like she said. See, Billy has a home with me and I made it the best I could. And its not perfect and Im not a perfect parent and sometimes I dont have enough patience. And I forget hes just a little kid. But we built a life together and we love each other. And if you destroy that itll be irre-- irrep-- Let me see. Let me see.

49. At the apartment

Rita: I can go... at least another nine rounds. But you gotta let me in. Please. Sam. There you are. Now I can see those kind eyes. So, George says that you needed a break from work. Sam: I dont really want to work there anymore.. because theres too many people. Rita: Then maybe we can find you a quieter job, because-- Remember that was one of the judges conditions... that you earn more money. You have to keep earning more money... so that you can get a new apartment... and Lucy can have her own room... for when you get her back. Sam: Yeah, except that Lucy doesnt need me anymore. She has a new family now... and she doesnt need me anymore. Rita: Is that what she said? Sam: Its because I know that. Because I just know that. Rita: Well. Thats the first stupid thing Ive ever heard you say. Sam, you can get Lucy back. The court favors reunification. But, Sam, you have to fight for her. Sam: Yeah, but I tried I tried hard Rita: Try harder Sam: Yeah, but you dont know Rita: I dont know what? Sam: You dont know what its like when you try... and you try and you try and you dont ever get there Because you were born perfect, and I was born like this And youre perfect Rita: Is that right? Sam: People like you dont know. Rita: People like me? Sam: You dont know what its like to get hurted... because you dont have feelings. People like you dont feel anything. Rita: You think you got the market cornered on human suffering? Let me tell you something about people like me. People like me feel lost and little and ugly... and dispensable. People like me have husbands... screwing someone else far more perfect than me. People like me have sons who hate them. And Ive screamed horrible things to him... a seven-year-old, because he doesnt want... to get in the car at the end of the day. And then he looks at me with such anger... and I hate him then. I know Im failing you. I know Im disappointing you. I know you deserve better, but get in the fucking car Every morning, I wake up and I fail. And I look around, and everybody seems to be pulling it off... but somehow I cant... no matter how hard I try. Somehow...lll never be enough. Sam: Youre enough. Yeah, youre much more than enough. Lovely Rita.

50. At the park