Identification to the Problems

are used in the class becomes one of the major factors which can improve the students’ proficiency. In order to do this, the teachers believe that the learning materials intended for students of Welding Engineering department should consist of topic, content, and vocabulary list which are relevant to their field of expertise. In response to this, teachers in SMKN 1 Sedayu created their own learning materials by adapting some learning materials from various resources. It is done because the teachers think that General English is not what their students need. Learning General English is only a waste of time and their students will only gain very little advantage learning it. Therefore, teachers in SMKN 1 Sedayu try to develop new learning materials which are more suitable to be used in the class. Even so, teachers in SMKN 1 Sedayu said that it was just an emergency measure and they were still waiting for the new learning materials for vocational high school to be made. Therefore, there is a need to develop learning materials which can be used in SMKN 1 Sedayu.

B. Identification to the Problems

Learning Materials are an important existence in all teaching and learning process because everything that the students learn is included in the learning materials. Appropriate learning materials can help students to achieve better in learning English. So it can be inferred that learning materials are one of the main factors which decide the students’ achievement in learning English. Learning materials can be in the form of course books, modules, and figures. Goodappropriate materials are those which meet students’ needs and interests. For students of welding engineering department, the appropriate English learning materials for them are those which are related to the Welding Engineering. In general, there are several forms of learning materials which are usually used by the teachers in teaching English, namely: course books, multimedia materials, module, and other supplementary materials. In SMKN 1 Sedayu, the school always provides the students with English course books based on the curriculum. For the current English course books, the books are designed based on Curriculum 2013. However, the current course books do not meet the students’ needs and interests because the contents in the course books contain mostly the knowledge of General English. The books were designed for senior high school students in general without considering the characteristics of vocational high school students, especially Welding Engineering Department. Even the English course books for grade XII students of Welding Engineering still have not been developed because the new curriculum has only just been applied. The second learning material is called multimedia material. In SMKN 1 Sedayu, the multimedia material is used by the teachers in order to support to the teaching and learning process. For the multimedia, teachers usually obtain them from the internet and from fellow teachers. The multimedia used in SMKN 1 Sedayu includes: Voice recordings, slideshows, movies, and internet there is a wi-fi connection in SMKN 1 Sedayu. Even though the multimedia materials to teach English are not lacking, the teachers still believe that there is a need to improve the quality of multimedia materials for better results in learning English. For example, the audio media used to teach listening and speaking, both the recording and the player use old materials. Time is changing, and the content of the learning materials should also change. The teachers hope that there will be new audio media to support the teaching of listening and speaking in that school. For class X and XI which use Curriculum 2013, an update in multimedia material is needed. The English that they learn today have some differences such as the steps of learning which use a new approach in learning. The third is modules. Teachers in SMKN 1 Sedayu always gives modules for each topic. By understanding the modules, the teachers believe that the students will have better understanding in predicting what they will learn in the current topic so they will learn the topic better. The modules are made by teachers, and the teachers believe that there is no need to make great change in the format of the modules that they usually use. The fourth is supplementary learning materials. Supplementary learning materials help students get additional information about the topic that they learn. Teachers in SMKN 1 Sedayu often use supplementary materials to assist the English course books which are sometimes found lacking sufficient tasks or materials for the students to do. Teachers in SMKN 1 Sedayu now use supplementary materials more often than before. The main reason is because the English course books for students of Welding Engineering department have not met the students’ needs and interests for the course books still offer the General English. The lack of appropriate course books, especially, is a problem which the teachers see as an obstacle in the process of conducting the instructional process. As long as the appropriate English course book is still not present, teachers will need to develop their own learning materials from the scratch. The process of developing new learning materials takes too much time and focus of the teachers. With the existence of appropriate course books, conducting the teaching and learning process in the class will become much easier and effective. Teachers will have fundamental learning materials and only need to add some additional supplementary materials matching their students’ characteristics.

C. Limitation of the Problems