2. Revisions of UNIT 3

The revisions of UNIT 3 were conducted based on the result of expert judg ment and the expert’s suggestions. The first revision is to correct the grammatical errors in some of the instructions. Another revision in UNIT 3 is giving period for each sentence in the table in Task 14. The researcher also added an instruction for the reflection stage to make the activity in the stage clearer. The complete explanation about revisions of UNIT 3 can be seen in appendix H.

B. Discussion

The developed materials in this study were developed using the concept of English for specific purpose ESP proposed by Hutchinson and Waters 1987. The p rocess begins with identifying students’ needs by conducting the needs anal ysis. The students’ needs are divided into two: Target needs and learning needs. The need analysis was conducted on January 6 th by distributing 28 questions to grade XI students of welding engineering department in SMKN 1 Sedayu. The topics of the learning materials are all related to welding and daily lives surrounding it. The developed materials consist of three units. The input for the materials were chosen in accordance to the core competences and basic competences in Curriculum 2013. The learning steps applied in the materials followed Scientific-approach based learning steps which were taken from Curriculum 2013. UNIT 1 was derived from basic competences 1.1, 2.3, 3.9, and 4.13. It focused in report text explaining about characteristics and description about metals as the objects of welding. UNIT 2 was derived from basic competences 1.1, 2.3, 3.6, 4.9, and 4.10. It focused on procedure text about how to weld metals. UNIT 3 was derived from basic competences 1.1, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.1. It focused on expressions of asking for and giving suggestions to problems related to welding. The organization of the units followed the grading, sequencing, and integrating concept proposed by Nunan 2004. According to the theories, simple topics or texts with the easiest difficulty comes first and the harder one come later. The researcher believed that knowing about the characteristics and descriptions of metals as the objects of welding is simpler and may provide students with sufficient knowledge to do the activities in the next unit. Each unit in the developed materials consist of introduction warm-up, main lesson observing, questioning, collecting, analyzing, and communicating, reinforcement evaluation, homework, reflection, summary, and intermezzo. The parts of the learning materials are relevant with the six steps of unit development proposed by Nunan 2004:13 combined with the learning steps for the main lesson which follow scientific-approach based learning steps are taken from Curriculum 2013. The number of tasks for each unit in the learning materials are almost the same with UNIT 1 consists of 24 tasks, UNIT 2 consist of 23 tasks, and UNIT 3 also consist of 23 tasks. Each unit of the materials begin with Introduction stage. It consists of schema-building activities and also provides students with necessary vocabulary that are relevant to the topic of each unit. The next stage is the main lesson. The learning steps in the main lesson follows the steps of scientific approach based learning activities: observing, questioning, collecting, analyzing, and communicating. This stage focuses in guiding students to reach the competences as stated in the core competences and basic competences. Reinforcement part consists of homework, reflection, and summary. Students do additional activity outside the class to apply what they have learned by doing practices which are set to be closely resembling the actual situation in daily lives. Reflection part gives students chance to self-evaluate their progress in doing the activity in the tasks and how much achievement that they managed to achieve. The last part is intermezzo. In this part, students may gain additional information beyond the lesson. This part consists of some facts related to the topic that they may not know before. The materials that have been developed are called the first drafts. They are then evaluated by an expert. The material evaluation is relevant with the standard of material evaluation proposed by BSNP. There are 33 questions in the questionnaire distributed to the expert that covered four aspects of material evaluation proposed by BSNP: the appropriateness of content, the appropriateness of language, the appropriateness of presentation, and the appropriateness of graphic. 96


This R n D research aims to discover the target needs and the learning needs of grade XI students of welding engineering department in SMKN 1 Sedayu. The data are then used to develop the appropriate learning materials for the students. This chapter describes the conclusion of the research and the suggestions derived from this research.

A. Conclusions 1. Target Needs

Based on the result of needs analysis questionnaire, it can be concluded that the target needs can be listed as follows: a. The main purpose of the students to learn English in school is to be able to communicate using English both orally and written in daily lives. 48.15 students chose this option in the needs analysis questionnaire. b. Most of the students believe that their recent English proficiency is at the level of beginner, which means they can only communicate at the level of Basic English. 48.15 students chose this option in the needs analysis questionnaire. c. Most of the students 33.33 want to be able to register many English terms which are related to welding because they believe it will help them in their future job.