Skillful MITCH’S ARTFULNESS “That’s understandable. What about children?” “Couple of years. She wants to work some, then get pregnant.” “What’s your opinion of this guy?” “Very good, very decent young man. Also very ambitious. I think he’s driven and he won’t quit until he’s at the top. He’ll take some chances, bend some rules if necessary.” Ollie smiled. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” Grisham 31. ‘The firm likes its members to have steady marriages. Babies are encouraged. Of course wives are not forbidden to work. I hope not, said Mitch, puzzled by the word forbidden Waterfield 8. The description above described that the firm has some regulation that considered illogical by Mitch; it is about having a child. Mitch wants to focus to the career first, then tries to think about that. In addition, the doctrine about family stability has also been discussed by Abby McDeere with Kay Quin. Kay is the wife of one of the members of the firm, Lamar Quin, and then becomes his new friend. In the conversation, Kay gives little understanding about family stability to Abby that wives are not recommended to work, and every member is encouraged to have a child. It was all about the rules that Mitch ignored because it is considered not too important. “Do you work?” Abby asked to Kay “No. Most of us don’t work. The money is there, so we’re not forced to, and we get little help with the kids from our husbands. Of course, working is not forbidden.” “Forbidden by whom?” “The Firm.” “I would hope not.” Abby repeated the word “forbidden” to herself, but let it pass. Kay sipped her coffee and watched the ducks. A small boy wandered away from his mother and stood near the fountain. “Do you plan to start a family?” Kay asked. “Maybe in a couple of years.” “Babies are encouraged.” “By whom?” “The Firm.” “Why should care if we have children?” “Again, stable families. A new baby is a big deal around the office. They send flowers and gifts to the hospital. You’re treated like a queen. Your husband gets a week off, but he’ll be too busy to take it. They put a thousand dollars in a trust fund for college. It’s a lot of fun.” Grisham 20. Including some of the doctrines and regulations imposed on Mitch and the rest of the members are keeping company secrets from being told to anyone including their family and closest related people. At the beginning, Mitch followed the rule, but in the end, Mitch ignored it and told his wife after learning some of the mysteries contained in the company. “We simply do not discuss our client’s business with anyone, and that includes our wives. We’re very quiet, very secretive, and we like it that way. You’ll meet other lawyers around town and sooner or later they’ll ask something about our firm, or about a client. We don’t talk, understand?” “Of course, Mr. Lambert.” “Good. We’re very proud of you, Mitch. You’ll make a great lawyer. And a ver y rich lawyer. See you Saturday.” Grisham 64. Every associate hired by the firm was taught the evils of a loose tongue. Everything was secret — especially clients business. Young associates were warned that talking about the firms business outside the firm could delay the prize of a partnership. Nothing left the building on Front Street. Wives were told not to ask questions — or were lied to. The associates were expected to work hard, keep quiet and spend their healthy incomes Waterfield 8. The narrations above described that the firm did the doctrine to the members, including keeping their mouth shut about the business clients outside the firm and it could delay the prize of partnership in the firm. The basic factor underlying Mitch for not easily deceived is his social- awareness . As the researcher told in the previous that social-awareness is involving our awareness to include the emotions of those people around us. Goleman 11. With this pattern, Mitch always had control of people emotions. He is not easy to agree on all the rules that he thinks are illogical and he tends to clarify first.