5.1 Conclusion

This study focuses in quintessential- features of gothic tale in Poe’s works, The Fall of the House of Usher. From the analysis in chapter IV, the results of the analysis answer the statement of problems that I have stated in the chapter I. The analysis began by analyzing the intrinsic elements characters, setting, plot, style, tone, theme, and point of view that describes in the story. The main characters in the story are the narrator, Roderick Usher and Madeline. Meanwhile, the minor characters are the servant. The setting of the story is divided into two, which is setting of place and time. The story takes place in the House of Usher during the whole dull, dark and soundless autumn. The story uses connotation as style diction and sentimentally tone. The themes are terror, fear, madness, and premature burial. The story uses the first person point of view. It can see trough the use of ―I‖ character in the almost whole story. After analyzing the intrinsic elements of the story, I analyzed the quintessential-features of gothic tale that appear in the story. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that The Fall of the House of Usher possesses the quintessential -features of the Gothic tale. They are a haunted house, dreary landscape, mysterious sickness, terror, madness and death. 66 A haunted house is the first quintessential-features of gothic tale that I found in the story. This features I found through the setting and the characters behavior. The second quintessential-features of gothic tale that I found is dreary landscape. The setting of the story shows the image of ―Dreary Landscape‖ as the quintessential- feature of gothic tale clearly. The mysterious sickness is the third quintessential-features of gothic tale that I found. This quintessential-feature of gothic tale shows clearly through the main characters behavior. The fourth quintessential-features of gothic tale that I found is terror. The characters behavior and the theme in the story help me to understand clearly about terror as the quintessential-feature that exists in the story. The other elements also built the atmosphere of terror very well. Madness is the fifth quintessential-features of gothic tale that I found. It deals with the theme of the story. Death is the last quintessential- feature of the story that I found. The whole of the story shows the image of death clearly. It can see through the all intrinsic elements of the story. Poe uses traditional gothic elements in almost all of his works. Poe is one of writer who uses gothic tale. Gothic as one kind of genre in literature is one of favorite topic to enjoy. The readers, especially short story readers think that gothic is kind of topic that enjoyable to read. The characteristics of gothic can be the trick for the success of the story, so that the readers will keep reading and thatb the story would be appeal to the liking.

5.2 Suggestion