Id, Ego, Superego Review of Related Studies

John Brown. Fourth, she declares to her mother that she wants to be free from Mama Elena. The psychoanalytic approach is always related to the two levels of mental life. The theory of the two levels of mental life is used as the additional data in order to see the interaction of unconscious and conscious mind of Tita. The unconscious mind of Tita is her mother’s rules, which are her mother’s rule of marriage and the third rules which are not related to the rule of marriage. Therefore, the unconscious mind of Tita impulses out of consciousness through her four reactions in order to break her mother ’s rules. The theory of repression is used to answer the second research questions. According to Freud in Barry 2002:96, the idea of repression is linked with the ‘forgetting’ or ignoring of unresolved conflicts, unadmitted desires, or traumatic past events, so that they are forced out of conscious awareness and into the realm of the unconscious. In the novel Like Water for Chocolate, Mama Elena is ignoring Tita’s unadmitted desire to get married to her beloved man, Pedro Muzquiz by giving a rule of marriage. In addition, Mama Elena also gives the other rules that are not related to the rule of marriage, which come into the unconscious mind of Tita. In addition, according to Freudian Repression Definition Overview, repression refers to subconsciously keep anxious thoughts and impulses out of consciousness. In the novel, when Tita heard that Pedro and his family were move to San Antonio, it made her feels anxiety that she cannot take care of her nephew anymore. Next day, when Tita heard that her nephew was died in San Antonio, it makes Tita impulses her repressions out of consciousness, through her four reactions to bre ak her mother’s rules. Meanwhile, the tripartite model the id, ego, and superego is the additional data. The aim of the writer is to explain the id, ego, and superego clearly. The id is applied as the unconscious mind of Tita, which describes the desire pleasure of Tita to get married to Pedro. Meanwhile, Tita’s love towards Pedro was forbidden by her mother through her mother’s rule of marriage, which described as the superego , because it is suppressing the id desire of Tita to get married to Pedro. However, Tita’s love towards Pedro is never fade, so Tita makes effors to be with Pedro forever, even though it is forbidden by her mother, through her four reactions to break her mother’s rules, which described as the ego. The ego is applied when Tita impulses out her unconscious into consciousness, through her four reactions in order to break her mother’s rules. Finally, from that efforts that Tita has done, she can reach her id desire to be with Pedro successfully. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21


A. Object of the Study

Like Water for Chocolate is a novel in monthly installments, with recipes, romances, and home remedies. It is told in twelve monthly installments, with a pertinent traditional recipe preceding each chapter. The novel of Like Water for Chocolate had been released in Mexico a year earlier. After the release of the film version in 1992, Like Water for Chocolate became internationally known and loved Laura Esquivel is the author of Like Water for Chocolate, an imaginative and compelling combination of novel and cookbook, as well as other books. Like Water for Chocolate was published by Anchor Books in November 1995. This novel was translated by Carol Christensen and Thomas Christensen. The structure of Like Water For Chocolate is wholly dependent on these recipes, as the main episodes of each chapter generally involve the preparation or consumption of the dishes that these recipes yield. The details of additional secondary recipes are woven throughout the narrative. Laura Esquivels Like Water For Chocolate tells the story of a fifteen-year- old girl named Tita De La Garza, who spend most of her entire life to take care of her mother and abandon her love to a man named Pedro, it happens because of her PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI