Method of the Study

married, it makes Tita believes that Pedro ridicules their eternal love. It is shown in the novel, Mama Elena came into the kitchen and informed them that she had agreed to Pedro’s marriage to Rosaura. Hearing Chencha’s story confirmed, Tita felt her body fill with a wintry chill in one sharp, quick blast she was so cold and dry her cheeks burned and turned red, red as the apples beside her. “Why did you do that, Pedro? It will look ridiculous, your agreeing to marry Rosaura. What happened to the eternal love you swore to Tita? Are not you going to keep that vow?” p.15. The second characteristics is she is caring. She is caring her sister, Rosaura, when she suffers from severe digestive problems. It is shown in the novel, “ Rosaura had gained sixty-five pounds during her pregnancy, which made the labor to deliver her first child even more difficult. Even allowing for her sister’s excessive bulk, Tita noticed that Rosaura’s body was extraordinarily swollen. First her feet swelled up, then her face and hands. Tita wiped the sweat from her brow and tried to revive her but Rosaura did no t even seem hear her p.72 and also, “According to the doctor, Rosaura had suffered an attack of eclampsia that could have killed her” p.74. This second characteristics, can show that Tita’s second characteristics can be characterized through conversation of others that through the condition of Rosaura, it shows that Tita’s personality is a caring. In addition, Tita is caring her nephew, Roberto, by feeding him. It is shown in the novel “The baby clamped desperately onto the nipple and he sucked and he sucked. When she saw the boy’s face slowly grow peaceful and when she heard the way he was swallowing, she began to suspect that something extraordinary had happened. Was it possible that she was feeding the baby? She removed the boy from her breast: a thin stream of milk sprayed out. Tita could not PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI understand it. When the child realized he’d been separated from his meal. Immediately Tita let him take her breast, until his hunger was completely satisfied and he was sleeping peacefully, like a saint. At this moment, Tita looked Ceres herself, goddess of plenty” p.76. From the evidence above, it is shown that the character of Tita can be characterized through her reaction towards the miracle which happens that she does not believe that she can feeding her nephew. Moreover, Tita is caring her mother when her mother is sick. It is shown in the novel, “She prepared her mother’s meal very carefully and especially the ox- tail soup with the good intention of serving it to her so that she would recover completely” p.130. When Tita is caring her mother by making ox-tail soup to cure her mother’s sickness, it shows that the character of Tita can be characterized through conversation of others. From the conversation of others, the writer can describe the characteristics of Tita through a thing that other people say about the character. Therefore, through ox-tail soup, it shows that Tit a’s personality is caring. The third characteristics is she is patient. Actually, she is patient when she takes care of her mother. It is shown in the novel, Tita waited anxiously for her mother’ reaction when she had her first sip, but Mama Elena spit the soup on the bedspread and yelled to Tita to get the tray out of her sight immediately.“But why?” “Because it is nasty and bitter, and I dono t want it. Take it away Don’t you hear?” “Instead of obeying her, Tita turned away, trying not to let her mother see her frustation. p.130. This third characteristics shows that whenever Tita is in conversation with her mother, especially when her mother angry at Tita because the taste of the ox-tail soup was nasty and bitter, consequently, the character of Tita give a clue about her PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI characteristics that she is patient. It is proven above, “Instead of obeying her mother, Tita turned away, trying not to let her mother see her frustation.” Therefore, it can be concluded that this third characteristics can be characterized through the speech and reaction. The fourth characteristic is she is described as a faithful woman for her beloved man, Pedro Muzquiz. It is proven in the novel when Dr. John Brown wanted to delay his marriage with Tita for a while by giving a reason that he wanted to bring back his deaf-great aunt from the Northern part of the United States, Tita lost her virginity. It is shown in the novel, Sensing another’s presence, Tita spun around, the light clearly revealed the figure of Pedro, barring the door. “Pedro What are you doing here?” Without answering, Pedro went to her, extinguished the lamp, pulled her to a brass bed that had once belonged to her sister Gertrudis, and throwing himself upon her, caused her to lose her virginity and learn of true love p.158. When Tita lost her virginity, it shows that the characteristics of Tita can be characterized through her reaction that there is no self-denial from Tita. Therefore, it can be concluded that Tita is still love Pedro. When Tita worried that she was pregnant, she could not married to Dr. John Brown, because Tita was expecting her child with Pedro. It is proven when Gertrudis visited the ranch for a special holiday, the conversation between Gertrudis and Tita was heard by Pedro. It is shown in the novel, “...I think you should tell Pedro you’re expecting his child.” A perfect hit, bull’s eye Pedro, struck down, let the sack fall to the floor. He was dying of love for Tita. Startled, she turned to discover that Pedro was looking at her, almost in tears p.191. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI