Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

for women, and food is an important repository of female traditions that are critical to cultural survival 2015:202-204. The fifth related study is Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang; Undergraduate Thesis written by Vani Laila Fitriani entitled Women’s Rebellion against the Patriarchal System in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. This undergraduate thesis focused on the rebellion of Edna Pontellier who is portrayed as a woman who aware to her sexual desire against the patriarchal system. Her analysis points out that Edna has been depressed with her marriage because of her husband’s superiority that treats her as an inferior and worthless creature. Refusing to be treated like that, Edna struggles hard to fight the patriarchal system for the hope of freedom and liberty as a woman by changing her own character from a submissive and weak creature to be someone with a strong and independent nature. Her rebellions that reflect the element of feminist proves that she is determinant and persistent with her goals that she gradually gains something. The difference between those related study are the first and second related study focuses on the kitchen that soon becomes the site of repression for Tita as the main protagonist in the novel. While the third related study is concerning on the creativity of the cook to prepare food. In addition, the fourth related study is concerning a food that becomes as the women’s voice for gain a source of power. Furthermore, the five related study uses feminism approach. However, the writer uses psychoanalytic approach that focuses on the interaction between unconscious and conscious mind of Tita that the unconscious mind of Tita are impulses out of consciousness through her four reactions of Tita aga inst her mother’s rules. On the other hand, my thesis is different than those fifth related studies. In this study, the writer wants to show the repressions unconscious mind of Tita De la Garza or the personal unconscious mind of Tita, which then impulses out of consciouness through her four reactions in order to break her mother’s rules. However, the writer also explain a little about the kitchen in which it becomes the site Tita’s repression, because as Tita De la Garza grows older, she has a new role, in which she has to be the cook of her family. She does it only to fulfill her mother’s needs, and through working in the kitchen, based on the theory of nine techniques of characterization of M.J. Murphy, the character of Tita De la Garza can be characterized through her mannerism. B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Characterization In order to interpret the characters that are presented in the novel, the reader can interpret character’s moral and traits through what they say and what they do. This method is called characterization. To be more specific, Murphy 1972:161- 173 gives more detailed nine techniques of characterization that used by the author to describe the characters of a story. a. Personal Description The author uses this method particularly to give the description of face, body, and other physical appearances. b. Character as seen by another PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI