Theory of Repression Review of Related Studies

The third part of the psyche, the superego. The superego acts as an internal censor, causing us to make moral judgments in light of social pressures. In contrast to the id, the superego operates acccording to the morality principle and serves primarily to protect society and us from the id. Representing all of society’s moral restrictions, the superego serves as a filtering agent, suppressing the desires and instincts forbidden by society and thrusting them back into the uncounscious. Overall, the superego manifests itself through punishment. If allowed to operate at its own discretion, the superego will create an unconscious sense of guilt and fear. Bressler, 1998:151. In Freudian psychology, the superego represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality and is guided by the moralistic and idealistic principles as opposed to the pleasure principle of the id and the realistic principle of the ego. The superego differs from the ego in one important respect —it has no contact with the outside world and therefore is unrealistic in its demands for perfection. The superego has two subsystems, the conscience and the ego-ideal. The conscience results from experiences with punishments for improper behavior and tells us what we should not do, whereas the ego-ideal develops from experiences with rewards for proper behavior and tells us what we should do. Freud, 1923:30.

C. Theoretical Framework

The theory of nine techniques of characterization from M.J. Murphy is used to answer the first research questions. Based on the theory, the first characteristic of Tita is she is submissive for the authority of her mother. The characteristics of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tita can be characterized through her speech and also her reactions towards the agreement of Mama Elena of Pedro and Rosaura’s wedding. The second characteristic is she is caring. It can be characterized through her conversation of others and her speech. The third characteristics is she is patient. It can be characterized through her speech and her reaction. The fourth characteristic is she is faithful to Pedro. It can be characterized through direct comment and her reactions that she still loves Pedro. The five characteristics, which is she is creative, can be characterized through direct comment. Besides those five characteristics of Tita, the character of Tita can also be characterized through her past life that Tita De La Garza’s life story is told by her great-niece, who is the narrator of the story, and also through conversations of others that Tita always crying when she chopped onions. In addition, the third rules which are not related to the rule of marriage, especially the first rules, when she becomes the cook of her family throughout her childhood, shows that the character of Tita can be characterized through character as seen by another that when Tita becomes a cook of her family, it can show that the sixth sense of Tita was developed about everything concerning food, and also through her mannerism that her habit activity always work in the kitchen. Meanwhile, the character of Tita can also be characterized through her react ions against her mother’s rules, which are: first, she stands up to her mother to say that she feels sick of obeying her mother. Second, she shows her hatred to her mother by refusing to stay with her mother again and also hopes her mother died. Third, she breaks her mother’s rule by making a plan to get married to Dr. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI