47 Berg 1989 in Miles and Huberman 1994: p.9 state that coding is giving tags or labels for assigning units of meaning to descriptive information compiled during the study. In line with this definition, coding was done in this study in order to find out the key content of the in-dept interviews. For example, the readers found a code like this: 1-W03-1-ET-T-SA. 1 represents Appendix 1. W03 represents conversation number 3 with Ms Widi. 1 represent in-depth interview 1 with Ms. Widi. ET represents Emergent Themes. T represents Transcendent themes. SA represents Self-actualization. It means that the readers can trace the code in appendix 1 and directly go to conversation 3 which is the first in-depth interview of Ms. Widi and the theme is emergent themes which is transcendent theme and that is self-actualization. Abbreviation of all codes can be seen in the list of abbreviation. The third step is writing description of each participant. The researcher writes description of each participant based on five fields in lived experience: understanding, belief, intention, action, and feeling. They were used to prove the empirical and transcendent themes. The fourth step is the researcher writes the description of the two participants. The researcher writes shared experience. In gathering the data, each experience is appreciated. The fifth step, the researcher writes interpretations of each participant based on understanding, belief, intention, action, and feeling. The six step is the researcher writes the interpretation of the two participants. The researcher writes the shared experience. The text needs to be rich in order to discover the phenomenon. The text needs to be deep. According to Van Manen 1990: p. 152 “depth is what gives the phenomenon or lived experience to which we orient ourselves its meaning and its resistance to our 48 fuller understanding”. The seventh step is member checking. The researcher did member checking to the participants related to the result of description and interpretation. The last step is final writing of description and interpretation. At this step, the researcher drew conclusion. The researcher needed to review the analyzed data and assess the implication for the research question.


The research was based on a triangulation process that was done with in- depth interviews. The consistency of the text as well as its validity and reliability became a high concern in this research. Considering the purpose of transferability, the researcher really considered about the participants’ quality. The relevancy of pa rticipants’ capacity in providing rich, thick, and suitable descriptions to contextualize the study is considered well. The aspect of conformability also became a high consideration. Since it refers to the description of one’s lived experiences consisting of meaningful themes, the conformability aspect is a way to improve validity and reliability and reduce bias. Giving a tentative interpretation back to the participant is one of the conformability aspects considered in this study. In order to establish credibility, the researcher used a member checking technique because it showed credibility in the findings and interpretations. The process of providing good quality tape for recording and transcribing the record were applied in this research. In relation with the validation, the participants were invited to review the transcripts of their interviews as well as the interpreted data. The researcher was also careful to manage bias and expectations as reflectively or