34 knowledge are required. The teachers should be able to show enthusiasm and have reasonably high expectations of what students can achieve. Teaching English to the accounting students department needs professional system including the material and its preparation, the teachers, and the teaching method itself. The meaning of teaching English to Accounting students which is the focus of this research cannot be separated from the prior learning experiences, beliefs, awareness, intention that they have within them. Van Manen 1990: 90 said that phenomenological themes are not objects or generalizations; methaphorically speaking they are more like knots in the webs of our experiences, around which certain lived experiences are spun and thus lived as meaningful wholes. In other words, it can be defined as some points around which the participants’ lived experience occur. The points form a whole lived experience in the participants’ life. The themes are the knots of meaning which are related one another. Furthermore Van Manen 1990: 88 said that theme is the mean to get at the notion. The notion is what the whole meaning is about and the themes help us to see into it. The language teaching skill and knowledge help to comprehend the teaching method and the strategy by the teacher in the classroom. It means that the teacher is expected to be able to know and apply how to manage the time and the classroom, how to transfer the knowledge, techniques, the instruments and media used in the classroom, and how to evaluate the students’ progress. The knowledge of teaching English and the skill to teach will be very useful in defining the things to be delivered to the students or the materials. The teaching of English for accounting students must be in coherence with the purpose itself. The purpose in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 specific way, in this case teaching English to Accounting students, is going to be fulfilled by examining the real needs of the students, especially the need of English for business communication. Therefore, need analysis becomes the starting point of designing the materials. The teachers may be involved in analyzing the needs so they know exactly what they have to deliver in the class. In the teaching, the teachers are demanded to teach in line with the goals defined by the department. So, it is very important for the teacher to understand the goal of the English teaching and the goal of the department stated in the syllabus. Furthermore, being an English teacher in accounting department, shehe must be active and has high motivation especially to seek recent information related to accounting from various sources. Teaching English for accounting students also need specific observation toward the students since they will be the clients along the course who need to be ‘well treated’ so the teachers will not miss the strategy. In this case, the teaching of English to Accounting department students must be carefully designed because the students of Accounting department learn specific English different from the English they have learned in senior high school. The teachers need to teach in such a way using certain approach or method and facilitate the students to practice more than feeding the theory so they will well equipped. The teaching itself must not be so strict and boring like in school but more on giving the students chance to experience the English usage than being busy with grammar rules even though somehow it is still needed. The teachers need to be creative in delivering and making the teaching materials so that the students will be interested and motivated in learning English. If the students are motivated and enthusiast in learning PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 English and show a good result, it means that the teachers achieved teaching success and therefore they can fulfill their self-actualization. The situations that teachers face is various. There are times when they teach without any significance problems but there are also times when they have to think about solutions to their problems. There are times when their students feel lazy to study and there are times they feel very eager to learn. There are smart students who can participate in the class actively but also there are students who are slow and passive. In relation with those things, teachers decision to deal with weak students is important. Considering the importance of factors above in teaching English to the accounting department students, the meaning which are formed are related to both the efficiency and effectiveness in teaching. The teachers have their own perceived meanings which evolve around their awareness, belief, their life history, teaching strategy, and teaching action. Teaching English in a specific purpose would give results on more enjoyment, more useful and more applicable English related to accounting. Those are bracketed under pre-figured themes namely: teaching English for specific purposes fulfilled the students’ needs, teaching English in fun and creative ways make effective and efficient learning process, teaching English to the accounting department students make the teachers improve their teaching skills and to be more autonomous. 37


This chapter discusses the methodology and the procedures that were employed in the research. It is important to the study because it elaborates the appropriate steps of how to answer the research questions systematically. The elaborations covers eight primary sections, namely 1 research method, 2 research design, 3 nature and sources of text, 4 instruments, 5 text gathering, 6 text processingtext analysis, 7 research procedures, and 8 trustworthiness


In order to explore the meaning of teachers’ lived experience of teaching English to accounting department students, the research question formulated is “What is the meaning of teaching English in the accounting department to the teachers ?” As the consequent, the research key goal is to describe the teachers’ lived experience in teaching English to accounting department students and then interpret it. In this research, a qualitative approach was used to reveal the teachers’ lived experience. Qualitative approach is used since the study is related to the social phenomenon . It focuses on a teachers’ lived experience on teaching English to Accounting students. This made this study belong to a narrative study. In describing the narrative, this study tries to seek the meaning from the teacher’s lived experience to accounting students. The process of describing meaning makes this narrative study also belong to phenomenological study.