This chapter discusses the methodology and the procedures that were employed in the research. It is important to the study because it elaborates the appropriate steps of how to answer the research questions systematically. The elaborations covers eight primary sections, namely 1 research method, 2 research design, 3 nature and sources of text, 4 instruments, 5 text gathering, 6 text processingtext analysis, 7 research procedures, and 8 trustworthiness


In order to explore the meaning of teachers’ lived experience of teaching English to accounting department students, the research question formulated is “What is the meaning of teaching English in the accounting department to the teachers ?” As the consequent, the research key goal is to describe the teachers’ lived experience in teaching English to accounting department students and then interpret it. In this research, a qualitative approach was used to reveal the teachers’ lived experience. Qualitative approach is used since the study is related to the social phenomenon . It focuses on a teachers’ lived experience on teaching English to Accounting students. This made this study belong to a narrative study. In describing the narrative, this study tries to seek the meaning from the teacher’s lived experience to accounting students. The process of describing meaning makes this narrative study also belong to phenomenological study. 38 This research is the phenomenological and hermeneutical study. It is phenomenology because it is the descriptive study of lived experience phenomena in the attempt to enrich lived experience by mining its meaning. It is also hermeneutic because it is the interpretive study of the expressions and texts of lived experience Van Manen, 1990:38. Here, the studied phenomenon, the English teaching to accounting department students, is explored through whatever information from the in-depth interviews and document checks. This information is used to find out the teachers’ lived experience of teaching accounting department students by knowing how they perceive, describe, feel about, judge, remember, make sense of, and talk about it. Using sources of text data, I then can triangulate the data, so that valid data can be obtained and trustworthiness of the result of the study can be increased. The data were obtained from in-depth interviews and document checking. The interviews were held with two participants. This interaction aims to make the researcher be objective. The objectivity is crucial to help the researcher be able to make right argumentation and judgment in this study as the scientific study. Through document checks, intuition, ideas, and thought can be explored and compared. It is in line with Kerlinger’s argument that’ personal and societal products can be sources of research data. Such verbal materials, produced by individuals and groups can provide measures of variables” 1983: 468. This study is a phenomenological study so the researcher must provide some explanations related to the story found, heard and witnessed in this study. The participants of this study shared their meaningful experiences related to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 issue. To understand the meaning of the shared experience, the researcher described the shared experience of the participants to get its essence. This thesis is a product of experiential and academic research. Therefore, the issues of validity and reliability are considered important. Cohen, Manion, Marisson 2000:105 state that validity refers to the measurements of what it purposes to measure. Validity is a crucial key in order to make the research effective. If a research is not valid, then the research is considered worthless. Creswell 2007: 195 states that validity refers to the conclusion which has been made must come from the credible, defensible, warranted data. These data can refuse to accept other alternative explanations so that the researcher, participants and readers have the same point of view. Meanwhile, reliability is defined as the fit between the researcher ’s record as data and what actually occurs in the reality. These issues take role as the guarantee of the trustworthiness of this thesis. Trustworthiness is very important in a research because the readers of this thesis should have a proper understanding related to the statements made by the participants, analysis and the conclusion.


As stated in the earlier chapter, this research attempts to answer research question that is “What is the meaning of teaching English in the Accounting department to the teachers ?” The problem of the study suggests that this research is a qualitative study with a specific focus on the stories told by individuals or narrative. As cited by Creswell 2007: 54 from Pinnegar and Daynes 2006, narrative can be both a method and the phenomenon of study. As a method, it 40 begins with the experiences as expressed in lived and told stories of individuals. After that, analyzing and understanding the stories lived and told are covered. Narrative is understood, therefore, as a spoken or written text giving an account of an event or action or series of events or actions, chronologically connected cited from Czarniawska, 2004: 17. In order to answer the research question, I as the researcher would like to conduct my study in Accounting Department of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. In this department, English is an obligatory subject in the first semester. In the first semester, the teachers teach general English. In the process, I started with determining the sources of text. I went to the department and asked the dean about the teachers who are involved with English class. The time for the research was implemented in the middle of February to April 2016, particularly in the academic year of 20152016. Before the interview, the researcher constructed a set of interview guides. Here, the interviews will be audio-taped and transcribed to capture the voices of the participants into written text. After selecting and giving the coding to the text, I described and interpreted the text to obtain meaning. Throughout the analysis, their voices were transferred into the body of work to demonstrate participants’ involvement through direct quotes and retelling of stories. 41 Figure 2. Research Design

1. Nature and Sources of the Texts

The nature of text in this study is narrative texts. The texts are resulted from in-depth interviews with the participants of the research who are the English teachers teach English in accounting department, Sanata Dharma University. Based on the texts which were obtained from the participants, the researcher sought the description and the interpretation of the meaning. The setting of this research is in Accounting Department, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. RESEARCH IDENTITY Title : The Meaning of Teaching English to Accounting Department Students Setting: Accounting Department of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta Time : Mid February to April 2016 Academic year : 20152016

II. Process 1. Determining sources of text

2. Collecting significant information 3. Arranging interview guides 5. Conducting the interview 6. Transcribing the interview results 7. Selecting and coding the text 6. Describing the text 7. interpreting the text

III. Sources 1. Text sources: two English teachers of

accounting department 2. Nature of text: narrative

I. Goal To describe and interpret teachers lived

experience in teaching English to Accounting students