Feeling Proud of the Students

110 students from other departments because they had different needs. From their experiences, each participant had unique experiences in which they taught English to the accounting department students according to their deepest understanding of experience as their individual experience. However, they had universal experience as the shared experience.


This study had implication for all components in education related to the English teaching in the accounting department. Theoretically, the study added theory about teaching English in general and teaching English to the accounting department students in particular. By seeing the experience by the teachers, there might be better ways in teaching English in the context of teaching English to the accounting department students. This study may add and complete the existing theory which is based on the practice in the real field. Scientifically, this study will give contribution as the lived experience described and interpreted in building better understanding of the phenomena of teaching English to accounting department students. This understanding will change teachers’ beliefs, intentions, feelings and actions. The study will also be able to be used as the reference and source of information for those who are involved in educational field of English teaching to accounting department students. Practically for teachers who teach in the similar field, they can learn the lived experience in teaching English in the accounting department from this study. 111 They will probably share the similar experience and reflect to the experience shared in this study.


Teaching English to the accounting department students needs more concern from those who are involved in the program, like the department, language institution, and teachers. The students will be the main focus of the program besides the material. Therefore, the phenomena open the challenge for researchers to discover more important and significant findings on the issue. Accordingly, I will suggest some points for the researchers who want to conduct further study related to the phenomena. First, the university must pay more attention to the English class in accounting department students. The syllabus and the textbook must be changed according to the accounting department students’ need because each department in university has different needs. Second, the number of the students in one class of English class must be reduced to small classes because big classes were not effective and efficient to learn English. Third, the researchers are suggested to conduct a study on the phenomena with the similar participants, teachers with different topic. The researchers can have more detail topic related to the teacher or the teaching techniques by the teacher, for example the material collection, the testing, the grading, or others. Fourth, the researchers can conduct a study with similar participants and similar topic using different phenomenological approach or method. The example is grounded theory, case study, or others. 112 The last, I suggest the researcher to conduct a study with different participant, for example the students. The lived experience theme can be used with different topic. The students are important to be noticed and they have their experience which can be used as reflection for teachers, department, government, and other parties involved. 113 BIBLIOGRAPHY Agee, J. M. 1996. “I was Kind of Hoping for a Woman”: Issues of Lived Experience in the Pre-service Cooperating Teacher Relationship. English Education. Vol.28, No.4. pp.280-302. New York: National Council of Teachers of English Alvesson, M Skoldberg, K. 2000. Reflexive Methodology. New Vistas for Qualitative Research. London: SAGE Publications Inc. Benson, P. 2001. Teaching and Researching Autonomy in Language Learning. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Boyd, F.A. 1991. Business English and the Case Method: Reassessment. TESOL Quarterly, Vol.25, No.4. pp. 729-734. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. TESOL Bradley, B. 2002. Psychology and Experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. 2000. Research Methods in Education 5 th ed. London and New York: Routledge Falmer Cresswell, J.W. 2007. Qualitative Inquiry and research Design: Choosing Among Five Approach 2 nd ed. London: SAGE Publication,Inc. Cresswell, J.W. 2012. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research: fourth edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Cronbach, L.J. 1963. Educational Psychology. New York: Harcourt, Brace World Inc. Cresswell, J.W. 2002. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. California: SAGE Publication,Inc. Dale, E. , O’Rourke, J.1971. Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary. London: The Benjamin Cunnings Publishing Company. Dosen-dosen Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Sanata Dharma. 2014. Panduan Program Studi Akuntansi. 2nd edition. Eds. YP. Supardiyono, Fr. Reni Retno Anggraini, and FA. Joko Siswanto. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Sanata Dharma Ellis, E.M. 2012. Language awareness and its Relevance to TESL. University of Sydney Papers in TESOL 7 1-23 Retrieved from on