Teaching Reading Theory of Teaching Language

c. Teaching Reading

Theory of teaching reading referred to a chapter in Nunan’s book which is written by Neil Anderson, Brigham Young University USA. He stated that “Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning. The goal of reading is comprehension.” Nunan, 2003:68. There are six principles for teaching reading according to Anderson. They are: 1 Exploit the reader’s background knowledge. Carel and Connor as stated in Nunan’s Practical English Teaching said that “a reader’s background can influence reading comprehension”. To develop the student’s reading comprehension, the teacher has to activate the student’s background. It can be done by asking questions, making prediction, and so on. 2 Build a strong vocabulary base. Vocabulary is an important thing in reading. The students’ comprehension on the reading passage also depends on the vocabulary. The teacher has to pay attention on how the students can comprehend the reading passage. 3 Teach for comprehension. In teaching for comprehension, the teacher has to monitor the students’ comprehension process. The students are also able to discuss the reading passage with the teacher. Anderson stated that “Students learn to engage with meaning and develop ideas rather than retrieve information from the text” Nunan, 2003:75. That technique can be done, for example, by asking the message from the author or the main idea rather than asking about the detail information of the text. 4 Work on increasing reading rate. The teacher gives the students various skills on reading such as scanning, skimming, predicting, and identifying ides. The focus is to reduce the students’ dependence on the dictionary. 5 Teach reading strategies. To achieve the good result, students need to learn how to use a range of reading strategies that match their purposes for reading. Anderson stated that ”Strategic reading means not only knowing what strategy to use, but knowing how to use and integrate a range of strategies” Nunan, 2003:76. 6 Strive for continuous improvement as a reading teacher. Teacher, as facilitators, is helping students to discover what work best. Anderson, as quoted from Andres, Hoffman, and Duffy, said “The good reading teacher actively teaches students what to do. To succeed, teacher needs more than classroom tips and techniques; teacher needs the nature of the reading process. There are two types of reading; extensive reading and intensive reading Harmer, 2004:210. In extensive reading, the students are allowed to find out by themselves the reading text related to the topic and to follow the teacher’s guidance. The task can be asking them to report what they have found. In intensive reading, the teacher provides the reading text and also the activities. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI tasks in intensive reading are almost the same with intensive listening. They are predicting, reading for gist and reading for detailed comprehension. Vocabulary is an important part in the reading activity. The task can be also related to the vocabulary learning.

d. Teaching Writing

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