Teaching Writing Theory of Teaching Language

tasks in intensive reading are almost the same with intensive listening. They are predicting, reading for gist and reading for detailed comprehension. Vocabulary is an important part in the reading activity. The task can be also related to the vocabulary learning.

d. Teaching Writing

The theory of teaching writing is written as one of the chapters in Nunan’s Practical English Language Teaching 2003. The chapter of teaching writing is written by Maggie Sokolik from University of California USA. Sokolik defined writing as a physical and a mental act, the purpose is to express and impress, and it is a process and a product. There are four principles for teaching writing according to Sokolik. They are: 1 Understand your students’ reasons for writing. The teacher has to match the teacher’s goal and the students’ work. It is important to think about the benefit and the types of writing for the students. 2 Provide many opportunities for students to write. Writing is like sports. It needs more practice to improve the skill. The teacher should give opportunities to the students to write, even sometimes without scoring it. The teacher also has to provide many types of writing to enrich the students’ knowledge of writing. 3 Make feedback helpful and meaningful. The teacher’s comment has to be understandable to the students. It should be in simple words. It is important to the teacher to give time for individual consultation for the students’ improvement. The feedback has to be able to make the students know their mistakes and correct it by themselves. 4 Clarify for yourself, and your students, how their writing will be evaluated The scoring in writing has to be clear between the teacher and the students. Sokolin gave advice “Take class time to ask them what they value in writing. Ask them what features make writing enjoyable to read and what features distract from the enjoyment.”Nunan, 2003:96 Ron White and Valerie Arndt as quoted by Harmer in The Practical for English Language Teaching 2004 provided the writing process. Those are drafting, structuring ordering information, experimenting with arrangement, etc, reviewing checking context, connections, assessing impact, editing, focusing that is making sure you are getting the message across you want to get across, and generating idea and evaluation. Sometimes the process seems very long. It can be suited with the syllabus and also the task.

B. Theoretical Framework

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